Should I apply foundation with my fingers?

Using your own fingers to apply foundation gives you the most natural skin-like finish because you really need to massage makeup into your pores (sorry, but it’s true) with the warmth of your hands to melt everything in every crevice. You must become one with the foundation, in essence.

Should I apply my foundation with a brush?

While you can apply your foundation with your fingers in a pinch, buffing it in with a high-quality foundation brush can instantly give you a natural, flawless finish. This is especially true if you’re using a full coverage liquid foundation (which is thicker and harder to rub in with just your fingers).

Why should you not use your fingers to apply foundation?

NEVER! To properly apply your foundation using your fingers, you should only be using a dime-sized amount of product. In makeup artist speak, this is actually a lot. You want this much with this method because the heat from your digits will press the product deeper into your skin, which inevitably uses up more product.

Is it better to use a brush or sponge to apply foundation?

Brushes absorb less makeup on their bristles than a sponge. For that reason, you save money on the product in the long run and you can more precisely apply foundation to your face for full coverage that blends well.

Is it better to blend foundation with a brush or sponge?

Is it better to use a beauty blender or brush for foundation?

If you’ve got dry skin, a beauty blender is meant for you. This is because the bristles of the brush can irritate your skin and make it look flaky. The smooth, soft surface of a beauty blender is much gentler on the skin, and can help you flawlessly apply makeup without leaving you with a cake face.

Do you rub or pat foundation?

Do not sweep or rub the foundation in. Set your foundation. Wait 2-3 minutes for your foundation to dry. Blot with a tissue, if needed, and apply other makeup.