What is EBX5?

EBX5 is a multi-domain MDM tool that allows modeling any type of master data and implementing governance using the rich features such as Collaborative Workflows, Data Authoring, Hierarchy Management, Version Control, and Role-based Security.

What is reference data management?

Reference data management is the process of managing classifications and hierarchies across systems and business lines. Such a system provides governance, process, security, and audit control around the mastering of reference data.

What is the difference between metadata and master data?

Metadata tells you things about the data, without giving any actual data. Master data tells you everything about the data, and would include metadata as a matter of form. Both are generally treated as IT’s headache but require collaboration between the business and IT, to provide functional data governance.

How do I start Master Data Management?

Getting Started With Your MDM Program

  1. Identify sources of master data.
  2. Identify the producers and consumers of the master data.
  3. Collect and analyze metadata for your master data.
  4. Appoint data stewards.
  5. Implement a data governance program and data governance council.
  6. Develop the master data model.
  7. Choose a toolset.

What does a master data administrator do?

This position will support operations by monitoring and analyzing master data, key data, and master relationship data within the organization. Ensures master data integrity in key systems as well as maintaining the processes to support the data quality.

How many types of master data are there?

Note that all three data types are linked, and in the nature of day to day business transactions, an organization needs all three types working together seamlessly. This example makes it easier to understand the definition of master data, data about the business entities that provide context for business transactions.