How do you care for geraniums in Central Florida?

Geraniums should be placed in full sun for at least six hours per day. Water the potted geraniums at least once per day. The Florida heat can dry out the soil quickly and stress the flowers. The soil surface should be moist at all times.

Do geraniums prefer sun or shade?

The two most common reasons for geraniums not blooming prolifically are too little light or too much fertilizer. Geraniums are a sun loving plant that need 4-6 hours of full sun a day, or perhaps longer in somewhat filtered light. South and west exposures are usually best.

What is the best location for geraniums?

The ideal location has morning sun, afternoon shade and well-draining soil. Choose a properly-sized area for your geranium flower beds. Appropriate spacing in between plants will reduce the risk of disease. Don’t rush the planting season – geraniums are not cold hardy.

Can geraniums survive Florida summer?

The geranium is a popular and attractive flower. But in Florida, geraniums pose some problems. They cannot tolerate a freeze, but they also do poorly in our summer heat and humidity. In North Florida, plant your geraniums early in the year, after the danger of frost, to take advantage of cool spring temperatures.

Do geraniums grow in Florida?

But in Florida, geraniums pose some problems. They cannot tolerate a freeze, but they also do poorly in our summer heat and humidity. In South and Central Florida, where geraniums are used as a winter annual, plant them from October to March. Geraniums grow best in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade.

How long will geraniums last?

The average life expectancy of a geranium is about two years, and although they will last much longer than that, they tend to get woody and the blooms diminish. Luckily, propagation is easy with geraniums.

How do you keep Geraniums blooming?

Provide the Proper Light

  1. Provide the Proper Light.
  2. Ensure that your flowers are getting plenty of sun.
  3. Keep the Soil Moist.
  4. Keep the soil moist but not overly wet.
  5. Remove Leggy Growth.
  6. Cut the plants back in midsummer.
  7. Feed Your Plants.
  8. Apply a high-potash fertilizer to increase blooming.