What does the gunshot wound mean in Catcher in the Rye?

When he is pretending to be shot, he’s obviously mimicking crime and gangster movies. He emphasizes this when, on phoning Sally, he tells her that “Rocky’s mob” has got him. Holden’s acting wounded at this point is also symbolic of the fact that he has been wounded emotionally; he is in a mess.

What is Chapter 15 about in The Catcher in the Rye?

Summary: Chapter 15 He checks out of the hotel and leaves his bags in a locker at Grand Central Station. He worries about losing his money and mentions that his father frequently gets angry when Holden loses things.

What does Holden claim to hate at the end of Chapter 15?

Holden dislikes the theater almost as much as the movies. Both are contrived and artificial, and the audiences applaud for the wrong reasons, just as they did at Ernie’s.

What does the metaphor Catcher in the Rye mean?

The Catcher in the Rye takes the loss of innocence as its primary concern. Holden wants to be the “catcher in the rye”—someone who saves children from falling off a cliff, which can be understood as a metaphor for entering adulthood.

What does Holden’s wound symbolize?

What does Holden’s wound symbolize on page 150? It symbolizes the pain that Holden is going through yet he puts on a separate face and makes it look like he is perfectly fine with everything in his life.

Why does Holden pretend he has a bullet in his guts?

He also says that he wants to move to the West. In the Old West, the cowards were called yellow-bellies. The brave men in the Old West had standoffs and whoever lost would get shot in the guts. By pretending that he has a bullet in his guts, Holden is trying not to be yellow.

Why did Holden Call Sally in Chapter 15?

When Holden wakes up the next morning (after only a few hours of sleep), he thinks once again about calling Jane, but decides that he isn’t in the “mood.” Instead, he calls Sally Hayes, who he thinks is the kind of person who seems intelligent and sophisticated but is actually somewhat vapid and unintelligent.

Who does Holden call in Ch 15 How is she described?

Sally Hayes
Basically, nothing has changed in the past 8-10 hours. He does end up giving Sally Hayes a call. He says she’s not too smart, but he got tricked into thinking so for a while since she knew a lot about theater and literature and all that stuff.

Does Holden imagine shooting Maurice?

When Holden gets off the floor and collects his thoughts, he imagines himself killing Maurice in the elevator. He also fantasizes that he is a tough guy from the movies, who has been shot in the abdomen, and he pictures himself committing suicide by jumping from the window.

What was the big mess Holden got into?

What was the “big mess” Holden got into when he got back to the hotel after being at Ernie’s? He got roped into buying a prostitute and ended up getting punched by the pimp, Maurice.

What is the meaning of Comin thro the Rye?

The line about a catcher in the rye is taken from a Robert Burns poem, “Comin’ Thro the Rye,” which Holden envisions as a literal rye field on the edge of a cliff. As Phoebe informs him, the poem actually asks “if a body meet a body coming through the rye.” In other words, there is no catcher in the rye.

Why is The Catcher in the Rye banned?

Image Via Slanted Online. One of the main reasons people have banned The Catcher in The Rye is because it contains foul language. The protagonist, a sixteen-year-old boy named Holden swears throughout the book, which makes parents feel like he’s a bad role model for their teens who are reading the novel in school.