Is bulbar palsy the same as ALS?

Progressive bulbar palsy is considered a variant form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Many people with progressive bulbar palsy later develop ALS. While there is no cure for progressive bulbar palsy or for ALS, doctors can treat symptoms.

How long can you live with bulbar ALS?

Median survival from symptom onset was 27 months (range 6-84). 63% of subjects were female and the mean age at symptom onset was 68 years.

What does bulbar palsy mean?

Definition. Bulbar weakness (or bulbar palsy) refers to bilateral impairment of function of the lower cranial nerves IX, X, XI and XII, which occurs due to lower motor neuron lesion either at nuclear or fascicular level in the medulla or from bilateral lesions of the lower cranial nerves outside the brain-stem.

What causes progressive bulbar palsy?

Bulbar palsy is most commonly caused by a brainstem stroke or tumor. Certain autoimmune diseases, genetic diseases, and degenerative disorders can also potentially result in the development of bulbar palsy. Treatment primarily focuses on the management of related symptoms.

Is bulbar palsy fatal?

Bulbar palsy can prove to be fatal in progressive cases. Death from progressive bulbar palsy often occurs 1 to 3 years from the start of the disorder, however, it is often attributed to the development of associated aspiration pneumonia (infection of the lungs).

How do you treat progressive bulbar palsy?

There is currently no known treatment for bulbar palsy. However, supportive treatments are used for the management of symptoms and underlying conditions. Certain medications may be prescribed to control drooling. A feeding tube can also be given to individuals who have severe difficulty swallowing.

How is life expectancy of bulbar ALS?

The complications of bulbar ALS disease may result from breathing difficulty. Inability to swallow or breathe, can certainly give rise to life-threatening conditions. In case of bulbar ALS, the life expectancy is less than 3 years. This is mainly attributed to the respiratory problems associated with this condition.

What are some treatments for bulbar palsy?

Treatment for progressive bulbar palsy is generally management of symptoms. Certain types of medications may be used to reduce muscle spasms and any pain associated with the degenerating muscles. Physical therapy is often recommended to keep muscles in action.

How is bulbar ALS diagnosed?

In some instances, a muscle biopsy , which involves taking a small sample of muscle under local anesthesia, is performed. In some cases, genetic tests (performed on a blood sample) can confirm the diagnosis (see Causes/Inheritance). However, the diagnosis of ALS is often a “rule-out” procedure.

What are the three types of ALS disease?

Types of ALS There are three types of ALS: sporadic, familial, and Guamanian (Segala). Patients with “Sporadic” ALS also show signs of oxidative damage like abnormal protein aggregation, increased levels of calcium between cells, and mitochondrial injury(LEF Protocol for ALS).