What is pigmentary retinal dystrophy?

Visual symptoms, in particular loss of visual acuity, appear to be infrequent. The combination of deficits in the electro-oculogram and scotopic and flicker electroretinograms suggests that the retinal dystrophy includes defective functioning of retinal pigment epithelial cells and of both rod and cone photoreceptors.

What causes pigmentary retinal dystrophy?

Retinal dystrophies are chronic and progressive disorders of visual function. ‘Dystrophy’ is the degeneration of tissue, due to disease or malnutrition, usually due to heredity.

Is retinal dystrophy the same as retinitis pigmentosa?

Retinitis pigmentosa, the most common retinal dystrophy, is an example of a condition that can be transmitted through the three inheritance patterns mentioned, depending on the gene involved.

What does Choroideremia mean?

Choroideremia is a genetic disorder of sight that usually affects males. Female carriers may have mild symptoms without loss of vision. Major symptoms are difficulty seeing in the dark leading to progressive loss of peripheral vision, followed by tunnel vision.

What is dystrophy of the eye?

Corneal dystrophies are a group of rare, genetic diseases that affect the cornea, the front part of your eye. There are more than 20 types, each with different symptoms. All cause a buildup of foreign material in one or more layers of your cornea. Over time, your vision may become cloudy or blurry.

What is the difference between degeneration and dystrophy?

Degenerations are usually unilateral, asymmetric and often peripheral. Changes caused by inflammation, maturity or systemic disease result in deposition, thinning or vascularization of the corneal tissue. Dystrophies are rare conditions and may not present in a primary setting.

What is fundus Flavimaculatus?

Fundus Flavimaculatus is a genetic condition which is considered to represent one of two ends of the spectrum of a disease which is comprised of the presentation of retinal flecks. Research has shown that the ABCA4 and PRPH2 genes may be linked to the onset of the condition, as well as the overproduction of vitamin A.

What causes Cogan’s dystrophy?

The exact cause of Cogan syndrome is not well-understood. It is thought that the syndrome is caused by an autoimmune response that causes the immune system to attack the tissues of the eyes and ears. Cogan syndrome is not known to run in families.

Is retinal dystrophy congenital?

Severe early childhood onset retinal dystrophy (SECORD) is an inherited retinal dystrophy characterized by a severe congenital night blindness, progressive retinal dystrophy and nystagmus. Best corrected visual acuity can reach 0.3 in the first decade of life and can pertain well into the second decade of life.