What is Dante Sonata?

The Dante Sonata was originally a small piece entitled Fragment after Dante, consisting of two thematically related movements, which Liszt composed in the late 1830s. He gave the first public performance in Vienna, during November 1839.

How many movements does Liszt Sonata have in B minor?

four movements
Some analyses suggest that the Sonata has four movements although there is no gap between them. Superimposed upon the four movements is a large sonata form structure, although the precise beginnings and endings of the traditional development and recapitulation sections have long been a topic of debate.

Who composed Dante Symphony?

Franz Liszt
Giovanni Pacini
Dante Symphony/Composers

How hard is Liszt Dante Sonata?

One of the most difficult pieces that Liszt wrote for piano is from the second set (“Italy”), titled “Apres une Lecture du Dante”, with the subtitle “Fantasia quasi Sonata”. This piece, as well as the others we’ll discuss, is rated a level 9 in Henle’s ranking system (the hardest difficulty for piano music).

What is Franz Liszt known for?

Franz Liszt was the greatest piano virtuoso of his time. He was the first to give complete solo recitals as a pianist. He was a composer of enormous originality, extending harmonic language and anticipating the atonal music of the 20th century. He invented the symphonic poem for orchestra.

Who wrote Carnaval?

Robert Schumann

Why did Liszt write Sonata in B minor?

The sonata was published in the spring of 1854 and dedicated to Robert Schumann. Liszt meant this as a reciprocal gesture to Schumann in response to his being the dedicatee of the latter’s Fantasy in C major (1839), a work that Liszt described as sublime.

How many strings are in Dante’s musical instrument?

However, the psaltery is said to have ten strings (decacordo salterio), and the instrument in the Stuttgart Psalter illumination seems to have only six strings, so it must be a six-string necked cithara.

Did Liszt write any symphonies?

Liszt was a slow starter as an orchestral composer until he settled in Weimar, when he made up for lost time with 12 symphonic poems, two symphonies and two piano concertos.

When did Franz Liszt write the Dante Sonata?

Après une lecture du Dante: Fantasia quasi Sonata (French for After a Reading of Dante: Fantasia quasi Sonata; also known as the Dante Sonata) is a piano sonata in one movement, completed by Hungarian composer Franz Liszt in 1849. It was first published in 1856 as part of the second volume of his Années de pèlerinage…

What kind of music did Franz Liszt compose?

Liszt invented such music at the piano, an instrument incorporating the variety of sounds, gestures, and harmonies he considered evocative of religious sentiment. The Dante Sonata is such a composition.

What is the significance of the Dante Sonata?

Each element of the Dante Sonata selected for present analysis is simply cited as interesting. The Dante Sonata itself is put in the context of religious music, hence, religious music and pianistic innovation are both addressed, though not interpreted nor defended.