Can you get PDRL and VA disability?

You need a valid disability rating to qualify for either TDRL or PDRL, and being placed on these lists will qualify you for a series of additional benefits on top of your disability pay. You can receive both VA disability and retirement pay at the same time.

What happens when you go from Tdrl to PDRL?

If you have been transferred from the TDRL to the PDRL, your retired pay will be recalculated using your most current disability rating. If you have concerns about your VA disability rating, please contact the VA at 800-827-1000.

How long can you stay on Tdrl?

5 years
TDRL can last for a maximum of 5 years. If the condition improves enough to return to duty during that time, it could end much earlier.

What does disability permanent enhanced mean?

It is paid to permanently disabled Veterans who are greatly confined to their homes. Veterans may qualify for this increased amount if one of the following is true: You have a single permanent disability evaluated as 100-percent disabling and another disability (or disabilities) evaluated as 60-percent or more.

Can I still work with 100% VA disability?

Quick Answer: A veteran generally can still work while receiving VA disability but not always. Are you getting a 100% schedular rating, or 100% unemployability (aka, TDIU or IU)? Veterans that receive 100% Schedular ratings have no limitation on working.

Can you retire from the military in less than 20 years?

Eligible servicemembers can retire with full benefits and a reduced pension if they served at least 15 years, but less than 20. However, this plan is not open to all servicemembers, all branches, or all career fields. You must apply for and be approved to retire under TERA.

How can I medically retire?

To medically qualify, you must become unable, due to a physical or mental disease or injury, to perform “useful and efficient service” in your current position, which means you must be unable to carry out an essential element of your job.