Is the rat a good pedal?

The definitive distortion pedal I was so glad that my first distortion pedal I bought was a Rat. This is an incredibly versatile distortion pedal. Played through a clean amp it can even sound great at low gain levels. You can set it to sound bright or smooth.

Who uses a rat distortion pedal?

Used in punk, jazz, metal and rock bands across the world the pedal does not pigeon-hole itself as a one trick pony. Guitarists such as Kurt Cobain, James Hetfield, John Scofield and Dave Grohl are noted to use the Rat pedal in their major releases.

Why is the Rat pedal so popular?

We could say that it offers both brightness and chaos of the fuzz effect, while still keeping tightness we can hear with classic distortions. Offering that unique-sounding heavy tone, it eventually became so widespread that guitarists of many different genres began using it.

Is Rat pedal a fuzz?

distortion / FUZZ The RAT is one of the most classic and original designs in the history of effects pedals. It makes a great clean boost, light overdrive, crunchy rhythm channel, heavy Marshal-ish grind, over the top fuzz and the list goes on!

Is Rat distortion or fuzz?

The Pro Co “The RAT” is a distortion pedal with a quite simple circuit, which can be broken down into four simpler blocks: distortion stage, tone control, output stage and power supply.

Can you run a rat at 18v?

So… Bottom line, don’t do it if it doesn’t explicitly state 18v in the documentation, or without verifying from the manufacturer first, no matter what anyone says. For example, a number of people saying the Proco Rat is fine to run on 18v.

Is the Rat pedal transparent?

Transparent and flexible enough to cope with a wide range of applications, from bluesy, to almost hard-rock (no metal). Enough gain for controllable harmonic feedback. The ability to clean up with the guitar volume.

Is Rat pedal analog?

With its enormous range of tones, 3 way selectable “hot, melt, & burn” modes, and highly interactive “scoop” and “tone” controls, the SOLO just might be the most versatile pedal in your arsenal. Don’t let the name fool you, the 100% analog SOLO is no one trick pony.

How do you date a Rat pedal?

To determine the date of your Rat find the 7 digit number on the back of the pots. 1985 would be the date for this pot.

Is the Rat pedal a fuzz?

What kind of guitar pedal is the ProCo Rat?

In the pantheon of guitar pedals, the ProCo Rat sits alongside the Electro-Harmonix Big Muff and Ibanez Tube Screamer as one of the true archetypes of guitar and bass dirt.

What kind of distortion pedal does pro co use?

But after the original RAT pedals and their early 80’s incarnations set the foundation for the RAT legacy, Pro Co released the RAT2, offering classic RAT distortion tones with a convenient on/off LED, easy-access battery compartment, and carrying over true bypass switching and that signature Filter control. The RAT2 is all about making noise.

What are the features of the Pro Co RAT2?

We’ll put the legend to the test in our Pro Co RAT2 review. But first, let’s run down the features of the pedal before jumping into the review. Distortion control knob adjusts overall gain level. Filter control knob rolls off brittle high-end frequencies, producing a darker tone. Volume control knob adjusts overall volume level.

When did the Rat 2 gain circuit come out?

The components used in the gain circuit that produce the Rats particular style of hard clipping have also varied through different eras and specific models. The Rat 2, which came out in 1988, replaced original 1N914 with 1N4148 diodes.