What is Cxpacket wait type?

The SQL Server CXPACKET wait type is a result of parallel query execution and indicates that a session is waiting for the synchronization of threads involved in the parallel process to complete.

How do I stop wait type in Cxpacket?

The Real Way to Reduce CXPACKET Waits Set MAXDOP per Microsoft’s recommendations in KB 2806535. Set Cost Threshold for Parallelism in a way that lets your small queries stay single-threaded, but still gets more students involved when there’s a really big project.

What is Cxconsumer wait type?

Description: The simplest explanation of this wait type is that there are parallel plans running. This wait type was added in 2016 SP2 and 2017 RTM CU3 (as a result of a Connect item I submitted in 2016) to reduce the number of actionable CXPACKET waits that occur.

What is Latch_ex wait type?

(Republishing, or using this info in a commercial product/website, is prohibited without permission. Description: This wait type occurs when a thread is waiting for access to a non-page data structure so that it can modify the data structure.

What does Cxpacket mean?

The CXPACKET term came from Class Exchange Packet, and in its essence, this can be described as data rows exchanged among two parallel threads that are the part of a single process. One thread is the “producer thread” and another thread is the “consumer thread”.

What is wait type in SQL Server?

There are two main categories for the SQL Server Wait Statistics; the Single Wait type, where the query is waiting for CPU resource availability and the Resource Wait type, where the query is waiting for a specific resource availability, such as I/O or Memory resources.

How resolve Cxpacket wait type in SQL Server?

Check the Cost Threshold for Parallelism (CTFP) and make sure that the value used is appropriate for your system. Check whether the CXPACKET is accompanied with a LATCH_XX (possibly with PAGEIOLATCH_XX or SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD as well). If this is the case than the MAXDOP value should be lowered to fit your hardware.

What is Cxconsumer in SQL Server?

CXPACKET (Class Exchange Packet) is a wait type that generally reported by SQL Server when SQL Server execute queries using Parallelism. This is the statement about CXPACKET wait type that we know since many years.

What is Access_methods_dataset_parent?

(Republishing, or using this info in a commercial product/website, is prohibited without permission. Description: This latch class is when a thread in a parallel scan needs access to the parent dataset, generally to get the next range of rows to scan.

What is Latch_ex SQL Server?

SQL Server latches are an internal SQL Server mechanism that serves to protect shared memory resources, like pages and memory data structures inside the buffer pool, in order to coordinate access to those resources and protect them from corruption.

What are wait stats?

Wait statistics are one of the most important indicators to identify performance issues in SQL Server. When we want to troubleshoot any performance issue, at first we need to diagnose the problem correctly because correctly diagnosing problems help with half of the solution.