What is strain gradient Plasticity?

Strain gradient plasticity describes dislocation motion at the microscale, which can be deduced from the plastic law of dislocation at the microscale.

What is strain gradient?

The strain gradient theory is used to calculate the size cffcct associated with macroscopic strengthening due to a dilute concentration of bonded rlgid particles : similarly, predictions are given for the effect of void size upon the macroscopic softening due to a dilute concentration of voids.

What are strain invariants?

Strain invariants Certain operations on the strain tensor give the same result without regard to which orthonormal coordinate system is used to represent the components of strain. The results of these operations are called strain invariants.

What is normal strain?

Normal strain is a term that describes the response of a solid to the application of a normal force (i.e., a force that is perpendicular to the object’s cross-sectional area). This property can be defined by the formula below: ε = ΔL / L.

Why is Deviatoric stress important?

The experimental results showed that the higher deviatoric stress level accelerated the damage development caused by the unloading effect and improved the expansion rate of the internal cracks, which led to a higher radial strain rate, total strain, and acoustic emission hits.

What is the importance of the deviatoric stress?

Deviatoric stresses control the degree of body distortion.

Does strain cause stress?

Stress is the same as pressure. When you are under pressure, you are stressed! Stress can happen with out strain, but strain cannot happen without stress.

What does a strain affect?

Strains affect your muscles. Both usually occur after a fall or sudden movement that violently pulls or twists a part of your body. Chronic overuse of muscles or joints can also cause strains and sprains.

Who is associated with the stress gradient hypothesis?

(A) The classic SGH as formulated by Bertness and Callaway (8). Negative interactions (competition) are expected to be found in benign environments, while positive interactions (facilitation) should be found in stressful environments.