Was John Constable a revolutionary artist?

Constable was a landscape revolutionary and it is thanks to him that the work of Monet and the French Impressionists developed in the way it did.

Who taught John Constable painting?

His heart was not in it, however, and in 1799 he induced his father to send him to the Royal Academy in London to study art. A fellow student at the Royal Academy School was JMW Turner, but the two men never became friends. Constable exhibited his first painting in 1802, but unlike Turner, success eluded him.

How do I find information on an artist?

The following databases are good places to search for information on your artist.

  1. Catalogues Raisonnés (IFAR) A searchable database listing published catalogues raisonnés, and ones in preperation.
  2. Getty Union List of Artists Names (ULAN)
  3. Oxford Art Online.

How many paintings did John Constable paint?

John Constable – 116 artworks – painting.

What type of artist was John Constable?

John Constable/Periods

Who was John Constable inspired by?

Like Thomas Gainsborough, Constable was influenced by Dutch artists such as Jacob van Ruisdael. The works of Peter Paul Rubens and Claude also proved to be useful colouristic and compositional models. However, the realism and vitality of Constable’s work make it highly original.

What are John Constable paintings worth?

John Constable (1776-1837) was famous for his landscapes of the English countryside, particularly scenes of his native Suffolk. In 2012, the Constable painting “The Lock” became one of the most expensive British paintings ever sold, fetching £22.4m ($34.8 million) at an auction at Christie’s in London.

How do I identify an artist of a painting?

Use an image recognition app to identify the painting immediately.

  1. The two most popular apps for recognizing artwork are Smartify and Magnus.
  2. These apps only have access to paintings that have been well-documented and catalogued by curators, professors, historians, and other artists.

How much is a John Constable painting worth?

John Constable’s The Lock has become one of the most expensive British paintings ever sold, fetching £22.4m at auction at Christie’s in London. The full price of £22,441,250 for the 1824 masterpiece depicting Suffolk rural life places it joint fourth on the list of most-expensive Old Masters.

What type of painter was John Constable?

What Colours did John Constable use?

It is covered with remains of colours such as vermilion, emerald green, chrome yellow, cobalt blue, lead white and madder, ground in a variety of mediums such as linseed oil mixed with pine resin. These can all be found on the surfaces of Constable’s later works, as translucent ‘glazes’ and crisp highlights.

Where did John Constable get his art from?

He learned the technique of painting from John Dunthorne (a local plumber and glazier who was an amateur painter), and was encouraged by Sir George Beaumont.

How old was John Constable when he died?

In 1829 he embarked on the publication of English Landscape Scenery, with mezzotints by David Lucas. In 1836 he delivered at the Royal Institution his celebrated series of lectures on the history of landscape painting. He died at Hampstead on 31 March 1837.

Where did John Constable go to Grammar School?

Born in East Bergholt, Suffolk on 11 June 1776, Constable was the second son of the six children of Golding Constable and Ann Watts. He was educated at a private school in Lavenham and at the grammar school in Dedham, subsequently joining the family business, of which it was intended he would succeed as manager.

Who are some famous artists from the English Isles?

John White Abbott- English Painter Lemuel Francis Abbott- English Painter Abel de Pujol- French Painter Sigmund Abeles- American Gertrude Abercrombie- American Tony Abeyta- Native American Painter