What is a 2d logo?

A logo design is typically thought of as a two-dimensional (2D) brand icon, but since the Internet became commonplace in the late 1990s, brands began thinking beyond two-dimensions.

How do you write a logo concept?

1. Provide information about your business —

  1. Describe your product, target audience and industry.
  2. Describe your brand values.
  3. Provide your company name.
  4. Provide your company slogan (if needed)
  5. Express what logo type you need.
  6. Design style.
  7. Colors.
  8. Inspiration (e.g. mood board)

Why is the logo 2D?

Benefits of 2D Design The 2D design approach made it easier for designers to create complex designs. As well as this, the move to flat allowed for logos to become vectors, meaning that they could expand and shrink as needed, without losing quality.

How do I make my logo 3D?

How to create a 3D logo

  1. Create a new document. Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document with the following parameters.
  2. Create geometric shapes.
  3. Create an edge.
  4. Add gradients and transparency.
  5. Add reflections and flares.
  6. Add the finishing touches.

What are the two elements of a logo?

It comes down to cohesiveness and unity across the elements of a logo. Cohesiveness and unity are the two factors that can differentiate a logo from mediocre to oh-my-god-that’s-stunning! To create such a design, ask yourself: Does the logo design, as a whole, make sense?