How do you write a Mun position statement?

How to Write a Position Paper

  1. A brief introduction to the country and its history concerning the topic and committees;
  2. How the topic affects the country;
  3. The country’s policies with respect to the issue and the country’s justification for these policies;
  4. Quotes from the country’s leaders about the issue;

What is best position paper in MUN?

A MUN Position Paper, also known as Policy Paper, is a strategic document that gives an overview of a delegates country position….A good MUN Position Paper has three parts:

  • Country’s Position on the Topic.
  • Country’s Relation to the Topic.
  • Proposals of Policies to Pass in a Resolution.

What is the longest part of position paper?

What policies have worked and not worked in the past on a national and international scale? This is most likely the longest part of the position paper and the place in which you will utilize most of your research. The third paragraph should be a discussion of solutions that you are proposing to solve the problem.

How do you start a position paper?

Create an Outline

  1. Introduce your topic with some basic background information.
  2. Introduce possible objections to your position.
  3. Support and acknowledge the opposing points.
  4. Explain that your position is still the best one, despite the strength of counter-arguments.
  5. Summarize your argument and restate your position.

How do you name a position paper?

Keep the title to 10 words or less. Don’t write an “abstract” title or get too creative—just get right to the point. An example of a position paper title would be, “Why Hybrid Cars Are the Wave of the Future.” If you’re having difficulty coming up with a title, then come back to it later.

How do you format a position paper?

A position paper can be arranged in the following format:

  1. Introduce your topic with some basic background information.
  2. Introduce possible objections to your position.
  3. Support and acknowledge the opposing points.
  4. Explain that your position is still the best one, despite the strength of counter-arguments.

How do you outline a position paper?

Use this as a guide for your own position paper outline:

  1. Introduction. Hook. Identify the issue. State your position.
  2. Body Paragraphs. Argument #1. First piece of evidence. Second piece of evidence. Argument #2. First piece of evidence.
  3. Conclusion. Overview of the paper’s key points. Statement to emphasize the position.

What is a UN position paper?

A position paper is what its name suggests: a paper in which a Member State or Observer sets out its position on a set of topics. For National Model United Nations (NMUN), delegates are asked to submit a position paper on the topics that are outlined in their Committee Background Guide.

What is a Model UN position paper?

How do you create a position paper?

What does UNA-USA do for Model UN?

UNA-USA is dedicated to empowering young Americans with tools and experiences that prepare them to be the next generation of global leaders. Our local chapters encourage students in their communities to participate in Model UN programming.

What should be included in a Mun position paper?

A MUN Position Paper, also known as Policy Paper, is a strategic document that gives an overview of a delegates country position. A good Position Paper has three parts: 1) Country’s Position on the Topic 2) Country’s Relation to the Topic 3) Proposals of Policies to Pass in a Resolution.

What can Model UN do for your community?

Model UN in Your Community Through public speaking, critical thinking, and in-depth research, the Model UN experience allows students to cultivate skills and enrich their global affairs knowledge. UNA-USA is dedicated to empowering young Americans with tools and experiences that prepare them to be the next generation of global leaders.

Where are Model UN conferences held in the USA?

Today, UNA-USA, in partnership with local chapters, operates Model UN Conferences in Boston, Washington, D.C., Houston, Tampa, New York City and other communities. Contact your local UNA-USA Chapter to determine their level of involvement in Model UN. Want to share our Model UN opportunities with your community, school, or email contacts?