What is photometric diagram?

Polar Luminous Intensity Graph: The diagram illustrates the distribution of luminous intensity, in candelas, for the transverse (solid line) and axial (dashed line) planes of the luminaire. This diagram is useful when light intensity changes rapidly within a small angular area [4]. …

How do I read an Isolux diagram?

Isolux charts represent the beam pattern and the distance illuminated on a flat road surface using a single lamp. The colour shades represent the distance in metres from the lamp. The dark blue shade indicates an illumination level of one Lux (for example 320 metres in the shown diagram).

What does CD KLM mean?

They are based on 1,000 lumens of the light sources used in the luminaire and specified in cd/klm (candela per kilolumen) as standard luminous intensity distribution curves.

What is a photometric analysis?

Photometric analyses are a great way to view a proposed lighting solution and the light output over a given area prior to purchasing luminaires. The software then calculates light levels based on that data and provides a comprehensive layout.

What are Isolux curves?

Isolux diagrams (Fig. 5) specify the distribution of the illuminance on a visible surface. Points with the same illuminance are connected to each other by means of curves (isolux lines). The luminaire is located vertically above the drawing layer at the mounting height (h) above the coordinate origin.

Are lumens the same as lux?

This can be thought of as light intensity within a specific area. Lumens: The total output of visible light from a light source is measured in lumens. Typically, the more lumens a light fixture provides, the brighter it is. One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter (lux = lumens/m2).

What is a lux light?

Lux is a standardised unit of measurement of light level intensity, which is commonly referred to as “illuminance” or “illumination”. A measurement of 1 lux is equal to the illumination of a one metre square surface that is one metre away from a single candle.

What is Polar candela?

Candelas: Polar candela diagrams graphically illustrate the light intensity at specific directions from nadir. Intensity is on the vertical axis, and radial lines indicate elevation angles at 30, 60˚ and 90˚ from nadir.

What is a photometric calculation?

Like a weather professional or economist uses each of their respective models to make a prediction, photometric calculations can be used to make an educated guess as to how light will perform in a space. The results of these calculations spit out data such as illuminance values or luminance values.