How long should the no contact phase be?

The basic “no contact rule” means 30 days without reaching out to your ex. According to, there are five psychological stages a man goes through during the no contact period. Stage one: your ex is calm and assured of his decision.

What happens after 30 day no contact rule?

What Happens After The 30-Day No Contact Rule?

  • Make the no contact rule permanent or long term.
  • Try to work things out.
  • Or move on with your life, yet remain cordial or friends.
  • Give your ex more space.

What to do after the no contact period?

Make Sure You Do These After No Contact 1. Assume A Positive Mindset .. This is one of the most important things to remember moving forward. The LAST thing you… 2. Contact Your Ex. This one’s a big one, guys… but it’s a LOT easier than you think it is. The goal of this step is to… 3. Have Some

Does no contact really work?

No contact will only really work if the man is contacting you or if you’re seeing him and you decide to disappear and begin to use it for whatever reason (he’s acting up, treating you poorly, taking you for granted, etc.) If he doesn’t contact you, then you move on.

What to do during no contact period with your ex?

If your ex texts or emails you during no contact, then it is important that you don’t reply right away. Instead, wait about three hours to text or call him back or 24 hours to email. You may be wondering why I’m telling you to delay your response.

Does the no contact rule even work?

The no contact rule works because of the approach of working with the experience you shared in looking for possible ways to get your ex back into your life. Trying too hard too soon will make no much difference as it will appear as if you’re trying to take advantage of them.