Are there whales in Kenai Fjords?

Kenai Fjords National Park offers some of the best whale watching opportunities in Alaska. Whales can be seen in the area year-round, but the best time for whale watching is March through October.

What whales are in the Kenai Fjords?

Fin whales, gray whales, minke and sei whales have also been seen in the waters off the coast of Kenai Fjords National Park. Whales can be curious and playful.

What is the best month to see whales in Alaska?

Humpback whales tend to be more visible in the months of June and July. If you’re hoping to view black and white orcas, Alaska cruises in May and June are your best bet.

Can whales live in fjords?

However, the peak tourist season is the summer. In the Norwegian spring, other locations along the northern Norwegian coast can also host large numbers of humpback and killer whales, and sometimes fin whales as they follow the spring spawning herring that overwinter in Norway’s fjords from November to January.

Can you see blue whales in Alaska?

Blue Whales (100 feet long and 200 tons!) They can be seen in open waters of the northern and eastern portions of the Gulf of Alaska in July and August before wintering in Mexico, Central America, and the western and central Pacific.

What kind of whales do you see in Alaska?

What whales can be found in Alaska? Alaska plays host to a number of whale species, which either inhabit or migrate through its coastal waters. In the Kenai Fjords National Park region, Humpback, orca (killer whale), fin whale and gray whales are the most commonly sighted species.

Are there Orcas in Alaska?

Habitat. Killer whales are found in all the world’s oceans. In Alaska, they occur most commonly over the waters of the continental shelf from Southeast Alaska through the Aleutian Islands and northward into the Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

Can you see whales in Alaska in December?

When can I see whales in Alaska? Certain species of whales—like the orca—live and hunt in the state’s bays and inlets and can be sighted year round.

Can you see Orcas in Alaska?

Southeastern Alaska In the southeastern part of Alaska, the best place to see orcas is in Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula. Whale-watching tours leave from Seward usually from May 5 to June 5, the sweet spot for seeing them.

Do whales swim in fjords?

Other Whales – Humpbacks, minke and sperm whales can be seen in the fjords and off the coast of northern Norway. The Vesterålen coast is best for whales during the summer whereas Tromso is better in winter.

Can you see beluga whales in Alaska?

Beluga Whale Stocks in Alaska Alaska is home to five different stocks of Beluga Whales. There are the Cook Inlet Belugas, Beaufort Sea Belugas, Bristol Bay Belugas, Eastern Bering Sea Belugas, and the Eastern Chukchi Sea Belugas. Many of these locations are very remote and may be difficult for visitors to go to.