How do you teach children the Bible?

Find ways to get making them excited to learn about Jesus and the Bible. Help them grow in their relationship with God and learn to love Him. Be patient even if it takes a while….Teach a Bible verse.

  1. Know the verse well; memorize it yourself before teaching the kids.
  2. Explain the verse in terms that they can understand.

What book of the Bible should I start with?

I think starting in the Gospel of John for anyone who hasn’t read the Bible before is a great place the start. Probably the best place. Next, I would encourage you to read through the rest of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke). That’s where I would start if I were you.

How do you explain Jesus to a 3 year old?

  1. 1 Explain the general idea of God. Explain the general idea of God, the creation of the world, and the difference between good and evil.
  2. 2 Tell the child. Tell the child that Jesus is God’s son, and that God sent him to Earth to teach everyone how to follow God’s laws and be good people.
  3. 3 Tell your 3 year old.

What is the best Bible Book for kids?

The 5 Best Bible Stories for Kids Noah and the Ark – (Book of Genesis 6-9) David and Goliath – (1 Samuel -16 and 17) The Three Hebrew Children – ( Daniel Chapter 3 ) Peter Walks on Water – (Mathew 14 22-33) The Good Samaritan – (Luke 10 25-37)

What are some Bible lessons for children?

Bible Lessons for Children is a chronological bible study. The goal is to help children to learn to know the triune God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and through the knowledge of God to become aware of their own lost condition and need for salvation and sanctification.

What to teach kids about the Bible?

Teach kids to treat the Bible with respect. Teach kids that God’s Word is important and eternal. Teach kids that the Bible is God’s letter to them. Read the Bible to kids and encourage families to read the Bible together. Encourage them to read their own Bible with fun and easy “homework” assignments. Follow through and consider appropriate rewards.

How do you learn the books of the Bible?

Signs – Write the names of the books of the Bible on pieces of paper. Take 5-10 of the books at a time (whichever ones you are learning at the time) and post them around the room. When you call out a book of the Bible, have the kids run to that sign. When they get there, they yell out the name.