What are good websites for biographies?

Biographical Websites

  • Academy of Achievement.
  • BBC Historical Figures.
  • Biography.com.
  • Infoplease Biography. Search over 30,000+ biographies.
  • National Women’s History Museum-biographies. Biographies of women by categories.
  • PBS Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries.
  • Legacy.com Obituaries.
  • Spotlight Biography.

Is biography a credible source?

A few editors consider the source usable in some cases. There is no consensus on the reliability of Biography.com. As a self-published source, it is considered generally unreliable and should be avoided unless the author is a subject-matter expert or the blog is used for uncontroversial self-descriptions.

Where can I find biographies?

Try your local library. Public libraries often subscribe to biography-specific resources, like online databases and encyclopedias. WorldCat is a good place to search for libraries near you.

What is biographical Web?

Authoritative biographical web sources covering both living and deceased persons, notable persons in particular countries, persons in specific fields or occupations, celebrities, and government leaders, provide students with a wealth of information and starting points for presentations and research assignments.

What is the Encyclopedia of World biography Online?

A multicultural biographical source that covers notable individuals from every part of the world and from all time periods who have made significant contributions to human culture.

Who should I do my biography on?

Try to find a biography subject you enjoy reading about!

  • Albert Einstein (scientist)
  • Alexander Fleming (scientist)
  • Alexander Graham Bell (inventor)
  • Alexander the Great (leader)
  • Amelia Earhart (aviation)
  • Anne Frank (Holocaust)
  • Benjamin Franklin (Founding Father)
  • Betty Ford (inspirational)

How legit is biography com?

There is no consensus on the reliability of Biography.com. As a self-published source, it is considered generally unreliable and should be avoided unless the author is a subject-matter expert or the blog is used for uncontroversial self-descriptions.

Can Biographies be biased?

An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written by that person. a biography is that autobiographies tend to be more subjective. That’s because they are written by the subject, and present the facts based on their own memories of a specific situation, which can be biased.

What is the best selling biography of all time?

Best-selling autobiographies

Pos. Title Author
1 Child Called It,A Pelzer, Dave
2 Sound of Laughter,The Kay, Peter
3 At My Mother’s Knee …:and Other Low Joints O’Grady, Paul
4 Dreams from My Father:A Story of Race and Inheritance Obama, President Barack

What is a good biography to read?

The 30 Best Biographies of All Time

  1. A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar.
  2. Alan Turing: The Enigma: The Book That Inspired the Film The Imitation Game – Updated Edition by Andrew Hodges.
  3. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow.
  4. Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” by Zora Neale Hurston.
  5. Churchill: A Life by Martin Gilbert.

What are some examples of biographical information?

Biographical information is that which pertains to a person’s life….For example:

  • date of birth.
  • date of death.
  • marriage.
  • accomplishments.
  • occupations.

Which is the best website for a biography?

Hoteling.(Continue reading) These are some of the websites which i came across. 1. Biographies of Presidents, Athletes, Artists, & more – have information about 30,000 notable people 2. Biography-center indexes 31316 biographies ! -10,000 Bio’s. 3. http://www.biography.com/search – Contains bio and videos associated with them.

Where can I find biographical information on someone?

Here are some useful web sites containing biographical information on famous people. To find information on the web on a specific person try a google search but make sure to apply the web site evaluation criteria on the left panel to ensure the information is valid and credible.

How to find credible sources for your research?

You need to pay close attention to several things when looking for credible sources. First of all, the information needs to be published at least within the last few years. Check whether the authors are well-known and have received some acknowledgment. The majority of websites belonging to governmental and educational institutions are reliable.

How many biographies are there on Cyndi’s list?

Cyndi’s list contains more than 200 biographical resources are available in this guide which contains information from many genealogical resources on the internet. This is a free, authoritative, reference site that provides biographies of famous people.