How much does Plateau herbicide cost?

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This item ITS Supply Plateau Herbicide with Imazapic for Native Grass Restoration 1Gal Panoramic 2SL Herbicide 128oz- Plateau Herbicide
Customer Rating 3.4 out of 5 stars (8) 4.9 out of 5 stars (16)
Price $20260 $13523
Sold By ePest ePest
Size 1_gallon 1_gallon

How long does Plateau herbicide last?

Additional Information

Availability In Stock Online
Shelf Life This product will last up to 2 years when stored in a cool, dry location.
Yield A one gallon bottle of product can treat anywhere from 10 – 64 acres of land.
Use Sites Outdoors

Is Plateau herbicide restricted?

RATE: For control of leafy spurge, apply Plateau in the fall at 8 to 12 oz/A, plus 1qt/A MSO. RESTRICTIONS: No grazing restriction and a 7-day haying restriction. Plateau is not a restricted-use herbicide. RECOMMENDATION: Plateau is the recommended herbicide for the most effective weed and grass management program.

Will Plateau herbicide?

It has an active ingredient for eradicating noxious weed species and providing long-term suppression. If other weed killers can’t do the job, reach for Plateau herbicide from BASF….Features and Specifications.

Active Ingredient(s) Ammonium salt of Imazapic 23.3%
Shipping Rate Free
EPA Registration 241-365

How much is a plateau per acre?

Rates and Control: Apply PLATEAU herbicide at 2 to 6 oz per acre to fields cropped the previous year. when annual weeds are the target and/or if grass/forb mixtures are used. PLATEAU herbicide at 2 to 6 qz per acre will provide control and/or suppression of many annual grass and broad leaf weeds.

Who makes Plateau herbicide?

Plateau® Herbicide Control Roadside Grasses | BASF Vegetation Management Products.

How do you mix a plateau herbicide?

MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Fill the spray tank one-half to three-quarters full with clean water. Use a calibrated measuring device to measure the required amount of PLATEAU herbicide. Add PLATEAU herbicide to the spray tank while agitating. Fill the remainder of the tank with water.

Will 2,4-D harm cattle?

2,4-D is an herbicide of small toxicological consequences for cattle kept under in natural grazing systems.

What is Opensight used for?

Opensight® is a proven, cost-effective granule herbicide offering vegetation managers a convenient season-long solution for hard-to-control weed and brush species, including many glyphosate- and sulfonylurea-resistant species.

Can you use 2,4-D on pasture?

2,4-D alone does not have a grazing restriction for horses. If the label for that specific product does not have restrictions indicated for horses, it should be safe to graze without a time lapse. Always be sure to read the label carefully.

When Should I spray my pasture for weeds?

When is the Best Time to Spray Pasture Weeds? According to Dow AgroSciences forage specialists, since pastures typically contain a mix of weeds, a general recommendation is to spray when they are actively growing. That’s usually early in the season.

How do you mix Opensight herbicide?

In general for spot treatments, mix 2.5 oz for weeds and 3.3 oz for brush of Opensight per 100 gallons of water (assuming an application volume of 100 gallons per acre).