How do you write a work method statement?

Your method statement should include a few important items, such as:

  1. The project.
  2. The activity.
  3. Date of assessment.
  4. Assessor.
  5. Responsibilities.
  6. Hazards (or reference to relevant risk assessment)
  7. Work procedure and control measures. Sequence of work. Access provisions. Security and safety of others. Techniques.
  8. PPE requirements.

What is a method statement example?

For example, a plan could show the location of a hazard or where welfare facilities are. You might get asked for a method statement with a risk assessment, and clients will often ask for a copy of your ‘RAMS’, which means risk assessments and method statements.

What is workplace method statement?

What is a SWMS? A SWMS is a document that sets out the high risk construction work activities to be carried out at a workplace, the hazards arising from these activities and the measures to be put in place to control the risks. For all other construction activities a SWMS is not required.

How do you write a method statement for a construction project?

What Do I Need to Include in My Method Statement?

  1. The name of the project and its reference.
  2. A brief summary of what the work is.
  3. Where the work is taking place (address).
  4. Start and expected completion dates for the work.
  5. The issue date and the unique document number.
  6. Details about the company carrying out the activity.

What is the main purpose of a work method statement?

The purpose of method statements is to describe the safety precautions to put in place to control risks identified in the risk assessment. They detail the equipment to use during projects, and the control equipment and PPE required to keep workers and site visitors safe while tasks are ongoing.

What should be included within a method statement?

A method statement should also include:

  • Name of the company.
  • Start and completion dates.
  • Location of where the task will be carried out, including address.
  • Site contact details, including Site Supervisor and who to contact in case of emergency.
  • Name of person who completed the method statement.

What must be in a method statement?

A method statement should also include: Name of the company. Start and completion dates. Location of where the task will be carried out, including address. Site contact details, including Site Supervisor and who to contact in case of emergency.

What should be included in a safe work method statement?

What should be in a safe work method statement (SWMS)?

  • identify the work that is high risk construction work.
  • specify hazards relating to the high risk construction work and risks to health and safety associated with those hazards.
  • describe the measures to be implemented to control the risks.

What is the use of work method statement?

Method statements are documents that detail exactly how to carry out work safely. When it comes to ensuring building site health and safety, method statements are key. The purpose of method statements is to describe the safety precautions to put in place to control risks identified in the risk assessment.

Who can write a safe work method statement?

The person responsible for carrying out the high risk construction work is best placed to prepare the SWMS in consultation with workers who will be directly engaged in the work. Generally this means a SWMS is prepared by the builder for their workers, or by the subcontractor for their workers and themselves.

How do I fill out a safe work method?

A SWMS must:

  1. identify the work that is high risk construction work.
  2. specify hazards relating to the high risk construction work and the risks to health and safety.
  3. describe the measures to be implemented to control the risks, and.
  4. describe how the control measures are to be implemented, monitored and reviewed.

Who should write a method statement?

It is a legal requirement for any business with five or more employees to have a written risk assessment and method statement before carrying out any work.