What does SIGAR stand for?

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Congress created the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) to provide independent and objective oversight of Afghanistan reconstruction projects and activities.

Who does the Sigar report to?

Public Law 110-181 directs SIGAR to submit a quarterly report to Congress. This congressionally-mandated report summarizes SIGAR’s audits and investigative activities.

Who is the Inspector General of Afghanistan?

general John Sopko
Afghanistan inspector general John Sopko reflects on waste, abuse.

What is a special inspector general?

The Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR) is an Inspector General position created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 to oversee spending of government funds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Is SIGAR a federal agency?

SIGAR is the U.S. government’s leading agency on Afghanistan reconstruction.

Is Sigar a federal agency?

Does Afghanistan have an air force?

Structure. As of November 2019, the Afghan Air Force has at least 183 aircraft and approximately 6,800 personnel. There are four Afghan Air Force wings: Kabul (201st or 1st Wing): fixed-wing squadron, rotary-wing squadron, Presidential Airlift Squadron.

Who is the Treasury Inspector General?

The Council is made of nine financial regulatory agency Inspectors General and is chaired by Eric Thorson, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Treasury.

What is Afghanistan’s national animal?

Snow leopard
National symbols of Afghanistan

Title Symbol
National motto
Father of the Nation Ahmad Shah Durrani
National animal Snow leopard
National bird Golden eagle

How strong is Afghanistan army?

In 2019, the ANA had approximately 180,000 soldiers out of an authorized strength of 195,000. Despite its significant manpower on paper, in reality a significant portion of the Afghan National Army manpower were made up of ghost soldiers….Size.

Head of state Hamid Karzai
Year 2003
Total 49,000
Trained/regular 4,000