Does YAML allow inline comments?

YAML supports inline comments, but does not support block comments.

How do I comment on YAML line?

The shortcut key combination for commenting YAML blocks is Ctrl+Q.

How do you comment on a line set?

Press Ctrl + /

  1. Select all the lines that you would like to be commented.
  2. Press Ctrl + / Two slashes “//” will be added to the front of each line, causing them to be recognized as a comment.

What is YAML syntax?

YAML stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language” and it is used extensively in Grav for its configuration files, blueprints, and also in page settings. YAML is to configuration what markdown is to markup. It’s basically a human-readable structured data format. YAML is built from the ground up to be simple to use.

How do I comment all lines in Vim?

Commenting Multiple Lines

  1. First, press ESC.
  2. Go to the line from which you want to start commenting.
  3. use the down arrow to select multiple lines that you want to comment.
  4. Now, press SHIFT + I to enable insert mode.
  5. Press # and it will add a comment to the first line.

How do you add comments in swagger?

You can add and view comments on your API and Domain spec using the new Comment Bar. Click on the + button on the left of each line of the Swagger spec to add your comment from the Comment Bar. The Comment Bar houses all the comments, both resolved and unresolved, on the API spec, sorted by line.

How do I comment in CloudFormation template?

Comment up your template This is easy as AWS maintains mostly complete documentation about each service that can be used with CloudFormation. The documentation can be found here. Comments in YAML simply start with a # .

What does hyphen mean in YAML?

Dashes/hyphens only indicate the start of a list item, no matter what type that item may be. They have nothing to do with key-value pairs (i.e., dictionary items.) In this case a is a list of two items, where each item is a dictionary containing two key-value pairs.

What is YAML configuration?

YAML is a digestible data serialization language that is often utilized to create configuration files and works in concurrence with any programming language. YAML is a data serialization language designed for human interaction. It’s a strict superset of JSON, another data serialization language.

Is there a way to comment a block in YAML?

YAML does not include any way to escape the hash symbol (#) so within multi-line string so there is no way to divide the comment from the raw string value. The shortcut key combination for commenting YAML blocks is Ctrl+Q. If you are using Sublime Text editor, the steps for commenting the block are mentioned below −

What are the basic elements of YAML file?

Synopsis of YAML Basic Elements. The synopsis of YAML basic elements is given here: Comments in YAML begins with the (#) character. Comments must be separated from other tokens by whitespaces. Indentation of whitespace is used to denote structure. Tabs are not included as indentation for YAML files.

Is there a way to prettify a YAML file?

Enter your YAML in the input box on the left and you’ll immediately get it beautified in the output box on the right. Enter YAML, get it prettified. There are no ads or downloads, and everything works right in your browser. Made for developers by developers from team Browserling .

How to create a multi line array in YAML?

In YAML, you can easily create multi-line strings. However, I would like the ability to create a multi-line array (mainly for readibility within config files) using the | character. A YAML array can be represented as: [‘key1’, ‘key2’, ‘key3’].