Is it weighted or weighed?

Weighed down and weighted (no preposition) can mean the same thing in some contexts. Weighed down can, in principle, denote some kind of burden – good or bad. Weighted, on the other hand, is a purely technical term: an adverbish adjective meaning “with added weight,” “with some ballast.”

Is it wade in or weighed in?

Related words are wades, waded, wading. The word wade is derived from Old English word wadan, which means to go forward. Weighed is the past tense of the verb weigh, which means 1.) to measure how heavy an object is 2.) to be as heavy as a certain amount 3.) to compare ideas or contemplate facts.

What is the meaning of options you weighed?

“Weigh your options” means “to think carefully about your possibilities or choices”.

What does weighed heavily mean?

weigh heavily with (one) To be an important or influential factor for one, especially when faced with making a decision.

Why do I weigh more than I look?

Muscle is denser than fat, and as it is more compact within your body, as you gain muscle mass, you end up looking thinner, no matter your physical weight. So, if you’ve been doing a lot of strength training lately, it’s likely this is the reason that you’re looking fantastic but not dropping those numbers.

What does weigh in mean?

1 : to have oneself or one’s possessions (such as baggage) weighed especially : to have oneself weighed in connection with an athletic contest. 2 : to bring one’s weight or influence to bear especially as a participant, contributor, or mediator weighed in with an opinion.

How do you spell weigh something?


  1. to measure, separate, or apportion (a certain quantity of something) according to weight (usually followed by out): to weigh out five pounds of sugar.
  2. to make heavy; increase the weight or bulk of; weight: We weighed the drapes to make them hang properly.

How do you weigh options?

Weighing Your Options

  1. Step 1: Describe Your Problem or Situation. Write down what decision needs to be made.
  2. Step 2: Gather Information. Talk with people with knowledge about your problem or situation.
  3. Step 3: Brainstorm Solutions.
  4. Step 4: Analyze the Solutions and Choose One.
  5. Step 5: Implement Your Solution.

How do you use weigh?

  1. weigh something (up) You must weigh up the pros and cons (= consider the advantages and disadvantages of something).
  2. She weighed up all the evidence.
  3. You’ll need to weigh up all your options.
  4. The jury weighed up the evidence carefully.

What is another word for weighed down?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for weigh down, like: hold down, bear-down-on, encumber, push down, burden, saddle, depress, load, oppress, lighten and press down on.

Should I weigh heavily?

weigh heavily with (one) To be an important or influential factor for one, especially when faced with making a decision. This is an issue that weighs heavily with my constituents, so I am making it a priority during my time in Congress.

When to use ” weighed in ” or ” wade in “?

When someone to gives their opinion on a complex topic, is the phrase used “weighed in” or “wade in”? I thought it was the former, but I’ve been seeing the latter crop up more and more often. Examples: 1a. Jack and Jill were having a fight and Mark weighed in on the matter to settle the dispute. 1b.

Is the word’weighted’the same as’weighted down’?

“Weighted down” is redundant. Weighed down and weighted (no preposition) can mean the same thing in some contexts. Weighed down can, in principle, denote some kind of burden – good or bad.

When to use weighted and weighed in a sentence?

where they can be used correctly. Re: usage of weighted and weighed Something is weighted = There is an addition which forces the something in a specific direction : “The end-of-year figures were weighted to make the company look good”. Something is weighed = it is put onto a scale and measured for its weight.

When to use weighted bobbers for wade fishing?

The primary time that weighted bobbers are most useful is when wade fishing. When a person is trying to tie on hooks and other tackle and deal with bait all while standing waist deep in moving water, any available shortcut is a welcome one.