What is tropological interpretation?

1 : of, relating to, or involving biblical interpretation stressing moral metaphor also : moral. 2 : characterized or varied by tropes : figurative.

What is an anagogical interpretation?

major reference. In biblical literature: Anagogical interpretation. Anagogical (mystical or spiritual) interpretation seeks to explain biblical events or matters of this world so that they relate to the life to come.

What is Tropology example?

1a : a figurative mode of speech or writing. b : a mode of biblical interpretation stressing a moral meaning inhering in the metaphorical character of language. 2 : a treatise on or compilation of tropes.

What does the word analogical mean?

1 : of, relating to, or based on analogy. 2 : expressing or implying analogy. Other Words from analogical Example Sentences Learn More About analogical.

What is allegorical preaching?

Allegorical interpretation of the Bible is an interpretive method (exegesis) that assumes that the Bible has various levels of meaning and tends to focus on the spiritual sense, which includes the allegorical sense, the moral (or tropological) sense, and the anagogical sense, as opposed to the literal sense.

What are the 3 spiritual senses?

The three spiritual senses are the allegorical, the moral (also known as the tropological), and the anagogical.

What is the difference between parable and allegory?

Parable is a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson. Allegory is work of art that can reveal a hidden meaning, usually of moral importance. For fiction, this usually involves characters, settings, and/or events that represent other issues.

What does the tropological meaning of the Bible mean?

The tropological or moral understanding occurs when, from something done, we learn something else that we should do. The anagogical meaning, a kind of “lifting upwards,” occurs when we are shown what it is we should desire, that is, the eternal happiness of the blessed. ( Mystic of God’s Word, 39)

Which is the best description of the anagogical method?

The anagogical is a method of mystical or spiritual interpretation of statements or events, especially scriptural exegesis, that detects allusions to the afterlife. Certain medieval theologians describe four methods of interpreting the scriptures: literal/historical, tropological, allegorical, and anagogical.

What does the Greek word anagogical mean in Greek?

The anagogical sense (Greek: anagoge, “leading”). We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, leading us toward our true homeland: thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem.

What is the meaning of the word Anagoge?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Anagoge (ἀναγωγή), sometimes spelled anagogy, is a Greek word suggesting a “climb” or “ascent” upwards. The anagogical is a method of mystical or spiritual interpretation of statements or events, especially scriptural exegesis, that detects allusions to the afterlife.