What is the theory of plate tectonics answer key?

The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth’s solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over the asthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle. Oceanic and continental plates come together, spread apart, and interact at boundaries all over the planet.

What are tectonic plates questions and answers?

Plate tectonics test questions

  • Which is the correct order for the layers of the Earth?
  • Which is the thinnest layer of the Earth?
  • What is slab pull?
  • Where are earthquakes created?
  • Which is lighter: oceanic or continental crust?
  • How does a collision zone differ from a destructive plate boundary?

Where are tectonic plates Short answer?

Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth’s outer shell is divided into large slabs of solid rock, called “plates,” that glide over Earth’s mantle, the rocky inner layer above Earth’s core. Earth’s solid outer layer, which includes the crust and the uppermost mantle, is called the lithosphere.

How do plate tectonics work quizlet?

The theory of plate tectonics suggests that Earth’s surface is divided into large plates of rigid rock. Each plate moves over Earth’s hot and semi-plastic mantle. Plate tectonics provides an explanation for the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

What are the 3 theory of plate tectonics?

Plates interact at three types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent and transform. Most of the Earth’s geologic activity takes place at plate boundaries. At a divergent boundary, volcanic activity produces a mid ocean ridge and small earthquakes.

What is a good question for plate tectonics?

Do plate tectonics affect climate? Is it possible to see the tectonic plates? Can tectonic plates break? Why is oceanic lithosphere subducted but the continental lithosphere is not?

What questions do you have about plate tectonics?

What made plate tectonics a dominant process only on Earth? How did the planet cool down before plate tectonics? Was the Earth’s crust formed during the early stages of its evolution or is it the result of a gradual distillation of the mantle that continues today along with crustal recycling?

What is plate tectonics?

A tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. Like icebergs, only the tips of which are visible above water, continents have deep “roots” to support their elevations.

What does plate tectonics suggest?

Tectonic plates, large slabs of rock that divide Earth’s crust, move constantly to reshape the Earth’s landscape. The system of ideas behind plate tectonics theory suggests that Earth’s outer shell (lithosphere) is divided into several plates that glide over the Earth’s rocky inner layer above the soft core (mantle).

What drives the process of plate tectonics?

Heat and gravity are fundamental to the process The energy source for plate tectonics is Earth’s internal heat while the forces moving the plates are the “ridge push” and “slab pull” gravity forces. It was once thought that mantle convection could drive plate motions.

What are the 4 types of plate boundaries?

Tectonic Plates and Plate Boundaries

  • Convergent boundaries: where two plates are colliding. Subduction zones occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust.
  • Divergent boundaries – where two plates are moving apart.
  • Transform boundaries – where plates slide passed each other.

What is key to explaining plate tectonics?

The key principle of plate tectonics is that the lithosphere exists as separate and distinct tectonic plates, which ride on the fluid-like (visco-elastic solid) asthenosphere.

What proved the theory of plate tectonics?

Since the north pole is essentially fixed, except during periods of magnetic reversals, this piece of evidence strongly supports the idea of plate tectonics. Following World War II, even more evidence was uncovered which supports the theory of plate tectonics.

How do scientists test for plate tectonics?

These plates are known as tectonic plates. In order to determine the movement of plates, scientists can use a combination of satellites and lasers. By focusing lasers on the ground with the help of satellites, the scientists can find the Earth’s plates movements, which are as small as a single centimeter per annum.

What is the study of plate tectonics?

Plate Tectonics. Plate tectonics is the study of the lithosphere, the outer portion of the Earth consisting of the crust and part of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is divided into about a dozen large plates which move and interact with one another to create earthquakes, mountain ranges, volcanic activity, ocean trenches and many other features.