What is NAN AR formula used for?

Nestle Nan Antiregurgitation Starter Infant Formula 800g is specially formulated to help with the nutritional needs of infants suffering from severe regurgitation. Breastmilk provides the best food for your baby and reduces the risk of diarrhoea and illnesses.

At what month can a baby take NAN 2?

6 months
Nestlé NAN PRO 2 is a spray dried Follow-up formula for infants after 6 months when they are not breastfed. NAN Pro 2 contains DHA that supports baby’s normal brain development.

Is it normal for a baby to regurgitate?

Regurgitation is a symptom that is normal and common in infants. That is because of the very small volume that the infant esophagus can hold and because of other factors, including their large liquid meals and the amount of time they spend lying down.

Why is NAN AR so thick?

The combination of starch and other ingredients made Nestle NAN A.R thick and you have to make sure that use high temperature water to dissolve it properly.

How do you mix NAN AR?

I mix it with lukewarm boiled water, i add the water to the bottle & then the powder all at once (i measure it out into a formula container) then put the teat with lid on bottle and shake. I found putting in one scoop at a time caused lumps.

How do I prepare Nan 2 for my baby?

How to Prepare:

  1. Wash your hands before preparing baby’s formula.
  2. Wash bottle, teat and cap thoroughly until no milk remains.
  3. Boil for five minutes.
  4. Boil drinking water for five minutes; allow to cool.
  5. Consult feeding table, pour exact amount of lukewarm water into the bottle.

How do I stop my baby from regurgitating?

To minimize reflux:

  1. Feed your baby in an upright position. Also hold your baby in a sitting position for 30 minutes after feeding, if possible.
  2. Try smaller, more-frequent feedings.
  3. Take time to burp your baby.
  4. Put baby to sleep on his or her back.

Does spitting up mean baby is full?

Normally, a muscle between the esophagus and the stomach (lower esophageal sphincter) keeps stomach contents where they belong. Until this muscle has time to mature, spitting up might be an issue — especially if your baby is relatively full.

Does S26 Ar cause constipation?

S26 can be a little more constipating for some babies. Also make sure that you are making the formula up correctly. The water is added first, then the scoop(s) of powder. Do not pack the powder into the scoop – just scrape the excess off.

Does AR formula cause weight gain?

Specialty formulas: Enfamil AR is a special formula for frequent spit up that is associated with poor weight gain. AR is a milkshake consistency, so this formula actually does prevent the act of stomach contents from entering the esophagus at all or as far up because of how thick the formula is.