What does the phrase freeze the balls off a brass monkey mean?

To freeze the balls off a brass monkey means it is very cold. It is widely believed that a brass monkey is a brass tray used in naval ships during the Napoleonic Wars for the storage of cannonballs (piled up in a pyramid). The theory goes that the tray would contract in cold weather, causing the balls to fall off.

What does brass balls mean in slang?

1. vulgar slang Unwavering courage, resolve, or toughness. It takes brass balls to stand up to a bully like that. vulgar slang Excessive impudence, self-assurance, ego, or audacity.

Where did the term brass balls come from?

The expression: “It is cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey” comes from the practice of putting iron cannon balls on a dimpled brass plate on the deck of a war-ship. When very cold the brass contracted sufficiently to cause the iron balls to fall out.

What is brass monkey slang for?

The term brass monkey is used to refer to extremely cold weather in expressions such as brass-monkey weather. This usage is derived from the hyperbolic phrase cold enough to freeze the nose (or the tail, the balls, etc.)

What does brass neck come from?

From the notion of brass being hard and insensible (i.e. to shame). A brass neck may ultimately derive from the idea of hardness of brass as being resistant to a head being chopped off on the chopping block. Also neck (1893) = brass = boldness (‘bold as brass’), cheek, gall, impudence, etc.

What does the Morion mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : a high-crested helmet with no visor.

Can your balls freeze off?

Like any other part of the body exposed to the elements, the testicles are susceptible to frostbite or hypothermia if the temperatures drop too low. As the air temperature falls to 5ºF (–15ºC) or colder, the risk of hypothermia to exposed skin increases significantly. Even covered areas of the body are at risk.

What does the expression brass neck mean?

So if someone is described as having a brass neck, it means they are confident and say or do what they want but doesn’t understand their behaviour might be unacceptable to others.

What is the saying colder than a witches?

‘Colder than a witch’s tit’ is an expressive way of saying ‘very cold’ – usually in reference to the weather.