Is it OK to use Minoxidil after hair transplant?

By using Minoxidil, you give yourself a good chance to prevent future hair loss and thicken your existing hair. If you have undergone an FUE hair transplant, this helps to prevent further hair loss, safeguarding your hair transplant result for the future.

Do I have to stop Minoxidil before hair transplant?

RogaineĀ®/Minoxidil application should be stopped within one week before surgery. Caution will be necessary with certain types of Beta-Blockers; however, cardioselective Beta-Blockers are generally okay.

When can I stop Minoxidil after hair transplant?

temporary shedding and will also help reduce future hair loss and strengthen post-transplanted hair. 2. Propecia can be taken before, during, and after surgery. However, Rogaine/Minoxidil must be stopped 1 day before until 2 days after surgery.

Will minoxidil cause hair loss?

Increased hair loss, one of the most publicized side effects of minoxidil, is often the result of hair follicles rapidly moving through the hair growth cycle and shedding before an anagen phase. This is normal as it is part of the mechanism in how minoxidil works.

Can minoxidil thicken transplanted hair?

Minoxidil is a topical application used directly on the scalp, and can be used by men and women. Minoxidil does not stop or delay hair thinning, nor does it make hair thicker.

Can minoxidil worsen hair loss?

Is minoxidil safe to use?

Minoxidil is a Health Canada and US FDA-approved medication for hair loss in men and women. The drug is marketed as 2% and 5% topical solutions. This over-the-counter product is considered safe, but should be used with caution. Furthermore, minoxidil is an orally active vasodilator for treatment of severe hypertension.

Is Minoxidil safe to use?

What can I use instead of minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a common ingredient in hair loss treatment formulas. However, there are alternatives available that can provide similar results. This article will introduce the FDA-approved hair loss treatment minoxidil….Natural DHT blockers

  • Pumpkin Seed Oil.
  • Ecklonia Cava.
  • Saw Palmetto.
  • Reishi Mushroom.

Does minoxidil age your face?

To date, there is no good evidence in the medical literature that minoxidil promotes aging of the face. As for affecting collagen synthesis – minoxidil probably DOES affect collagen synthesis in the scalp.

Can I use minoxidil whole life?

If the patient has androgenetic alopecia (male balding and female thinning), he or she will need to use minoxidil forever. If minoxidil is stopped, the hair will return to the way it once was and progressively get worse. In fact, all treatments for androgenetic alopecia are the same – use is forever.