What pests and diseases affect potatoes?

High Priority Pests of the Potato Industry

  • Bacterial Wilt (Brown rot)
  • Tomato-Potato Psyllid.
  • Zebra Chip.
  • Potato Cyst Nematode (white or pale)
  • Potato Cyst Nematode (golden)
  • Late Blight.
  • Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd)
  • Potato Virus Y (PVY) (exotic strains)

What are the diseases of Irish potatoes?

The crop is susceptible to a number of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. Some diseases of importance are Fusarium wilt, early and late blight, black leg and soft rot. The fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Wilting is rapid with yellowing beginning at the lower leaf and progressing upwards.

What is most common pest in potatoes?

Colorado Potato Beetle
Colorado Potato Beetle. The common black and yellow-striped “potato bug”, a very familiar insect, is the most serious pest of potatoes. Both the adult, or beetle, and the black-spotted, red larva feed on potato leaves. Their damage can greatly reduce yield and even kill plants.

What does potato disease look like?

Tuber lesions are dark, sunken, and circular often bordered by purple to gray raised tissue. The underlying flesh is dry, leathery, and brown. Lesions can increase in size during storage and tubers become shriveled.

What insects damage potato plants?

Colorado potato beetle affects Solanaceae including potato, tomato and eggplant. Adult beetles are about 10mm in length. They have five dark lines on each wing cover, with a yellow to red underlying colour. Larvae are also brightly coloured and grow to 15mm in length.

What is wart disease of potato?

This soil borne disease of potatoes is caused by a fungus called Synchytrium endobioticum. The disease appears mainly on stolons and tubers. Symptoms on above ground growth are not often visible. Young potato Warts are white in color, soft and pulpy in texture darkening and decaying as they age.

How do you treat potato pests?

Treatment. Getting rid of Potato Bugs can be tough because they are known to develop a resistance to chemical treatments. Our recommendation is a combination of collecting or manually removing any Potato Bugs, larvae and egg casings by drowning them in soapy water as well as applying Viper Insect Dust.

What is eating holes in my potatoes?

On harvesting potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other tubers and corms (e.g., gladiolus and dahlias), show holes or tunnels. Cause: The cause of the problem are the larvae of either the “click’ beetle or the tuber flea beetle. While the damage due to these beetles is very similar, the prevention is somewhat different.

What are the first signs of potato blight?


  • The initial symptom of blight on potatoes is a rapidly spreading, watery rot of leaves which soon collapse, shrivel and turn brown.
  • Brown lesions may develop on the stems.
  • If allowed to spread unchecked, the disease will reach the tubers.

How do you protect potatoes from insects?

Walls of godown should be sprayed with 1% Malathion at an interval of 3 months. Treatment of seed potato tubers with 5% Malathion at the rate of 125 gm/100kg is also reported to offer good protection against the pest.

What causes wart like bumps on potatoes?

This soil borne disease of potatoes is caused by a fungus called Synchytrium endobioticum. The disease appears mainly on stolons and tubers. Symptoms on above ground growth are not often visible.

What kind of disease does an Irish potato have?

Irish Potato Diseases. For advice on how to grow potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), see HGIC 1317, Potato. Common diseases of Irish potatoes in home gardens are described below. Late Blight: This is a potentially serious disease of potato and tomato, caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans.

Are there any Irish potatoes that are resistant to blight?

The Irish potato variety Kennebec is resistant to late blight. Other varieties include Elba, Sebago, Rosa, and Allegany. Destroy volunteer potato and tomato plants, which may harbor the fungus. Do not compost rotten, store-bought potatoes. Rotate with crops other than tomatoes.

What kind of pests are on my Potatoes?

However, since potatoes are grown for their edible tubers, they must receive greater protection from soil-inhabiting pests. Wireworms, tuberworms, white grubs, and vegetable weevils are pests for which growers should watch.

How to tell if a potato plant has a disease?

Dark lesions with yellow border which may form concentric rings of raised and sunken tissue on the leaves and stems; lesions initially circular but become angular; leaves become necrotic but remain attached to plant; dark, dry lesions on tubers with leathery or corky texture and watery yellow0green margins