What NFPA 731?
NFPA 731 includes provisions for the application, location, performance, testing, and maintenance of premises security systems and their components in all types of buildings. The Standard covers every aspect from signal initiation, transmission, notification, and annunciation to levels of performance and reliability.
Which is not included in NFPA 731?
Note that fire alarm systems, which are covered by their own standards, are not covered by NFPA 731. It is intended to apply to new installations of electronic premises security systems or their components installed for protection of building interiors, building perimeters, and surrounding property.
What is a NFPA 72 report?
The NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code) is a standard published by the National Fire Protection Association every 3 years for installation of fire alarm systems and emergency communication systems in the United States.
What is standard for security system?
NFPA 731 is the Standard for the Installation of Premises Security Systems. NFPA 70 is the National Electrical Code (NEC).
What does NFPA 72 require?
NFPA 72 only provides requirements for the installation, performance, testing, inspection, and maintenance of the fire alarm system. NFPA 101®, Life Safety Code® and other codes determine whether a fire alarm system is required in a given occupancy.
Which chapter of NFPA 72 covers appliance circuits?
However, the 2010 edition of NFPA 72 has a new chapter (12) devoted to circuits and pathways. Chapter 12 defines the characteristics of the circuits and pathways used in a fire alarm system by their performance under various adverse conditions and by their ability to survive attack from fire, known as survivability.
What are the industry standards relevant to cyber security in Australia?
For information classified as “PROTECTED”, Australian governments should mandate ISO/IEC 27001, SOC 2 and potentially FedRAMP (which is a US Government program). Australian businesses and governments should consider adoption of the security and resilience standard ISO:22340.
What does a Dact do?
Fire alarms have traditionally used Digital Alarm Communicator Technology (DACT) to send signals from the fire panel to the receiver at the central station where an operator would then dispatch or notify the appropriate people according to the priority of the signal.
What is the latest NFPA 72?
National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
The 2019 edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code presents the most advanced provisions ever developed for the application, installation, location, performance, and inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm and emergency communications systems — including Mass Notification Systems (MNS).
Who regulates cyber security in Australia?
APRA, which regulates entities in the banking, insurance and superannuation sector, issued legal standards for information security under CPS 234 in 2019 (detailed in 3.3 Legal Requirements).
What are the main legislative and regulatory requirements to cyber security inside Australia?
The following laws in Australia relate to cybersecurity: the Privacy Act (Cth) (“Privacy Act”); the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth); the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth); the Code (Cth); and the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (Cth).