Does pituitary tumor affect blood pressure?

It can also cause high blood pressure, high blood sugar, brittle bones, emotional changes, stretch marks on the skin, and easy bruising.

Can pituitary cause high blood pressure?

Endocrine hypertension is a type of high blood pressure caused by a hormone imbalance. Most often these disorders originate in the pituitary or adrenal gland and can be caused when the glands produce too much or not enough of the hormones they normally secrete.

What are the side effects of pituitary tumor surgery?

Risks of endoscopic pituitary surgery

  • CSF rhinorrhea. CSF, or cerebrospinal fluid, is the fluid that surrounds the brain, and it may leak from the nose after surgery.
  • Meningitis.
  • Damage to normal parts of the pituitary gland.
  • Diabetes insipidus.
  • Severe bleeding.
  • Visual problems.

Should I have my pituitary tumor removed?

Surgical removal of a pituitary tumor usually is necessary if the tumor is pressing on the optic nerves or if the tumor is overproducing certain hormones. The success of surgery depends on the tumor type, its location, its size and whether the tumor has invaded surrounding tissues.

What are the risks of having a pituitary tumor removed?

In addition to the common risks associated with surgery and the risks of anesthesia, surgery to remove a pituitary tumor carries unique risks. The most severe of these risks is severe hormone imbalance caused by damage to the pituitary gland during the procedure.

Are there any side effects after pituitary gland surgery?

Side effects also tend to be more likely after surgery to remove large, invasive tumors. Surgery on the pituitary gland is a serious operation, and surgeons are very careful to try to limit any problems either during or after surgery.

Is it safe to have endoscopic pituitary surgery?

Endoscopic pituitary surgery is a safe type of surgery, but all surgical procedures carry some risk for reaction to anesthesia, bleeding, and infection. Risks and complications that may occur with this type of surgery also include: CSF rhinorrhea.

Can a tumor on the pituitary cause vision problems?

Pituitary macroadenomas (benign tumors larger than 1 cm) and carcinomas (cancers), whether functional or not, can be large enough to press on nearby nerves or parts of the brain. This can lead to symptoms such as: Vision problems occur when the tumor “pinches” the nerves that run between the eyes and the brain.