What is a sub I?

A “Sub-internship” (abbreviated sub-I), a.k.a. “Acting Internship (AI)”, is a clinical rotation of a fourth-year medical student in the United States medical education system which may take place at a different hospital than the student’s medical school affiliations.

What are considered elective classes?

At most high schools, students get to take elective classes. These are classes outside the required curriculum that you get to choose. You may find elective classes in subjects such as art, music, journalism, computer programming and business.

What is the difference between a course and an elective?

While required courses (sometimes called “core courses” or “general education courses”) are deemed essential for an academic degree, elective courses tend to be more specialized. Elective courses usually have fewer students than the required courses.

How long are sub i’s?

The Core Sub-Internship (sub-I) is a fourth-year clinical rotation taken in one of five core clinical disciplines: internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, family and community medicine, orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery.

What is a sub i in 4th year medical school?

Sub-internships (sub-I’s) are clinical rotations that fourth year medical students pursue at hospitals affiliated with their home medical school or at hospitals affiliated with other medical schools (i.e., away rotations). Many medical students apply for sub-I’s at hospitals where they wish to apply for residency.

How do you succeed on a sub?

Below are my top tips for success during your sub-internship.

  1. Take on additional responsibilities. Your sub-internship is a chance to truly challenge yourself in terms of patient care responsibilities.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Be enthusiastic.
  4. Learn the practical side of inpatient work.
  5. Contribute to education.

Is English elective subject?

English Elective CBSE for classes XI and XII, includes listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, grammar vocabulary and literary appreciation which will cover the various areas through a variety of themes offered in the course materials.

Is elective same as minor?

One can take a minor in French while earning a mechanical engineering degree, for example. An elective is a course unrelated to the major degree program. Those French courses would simply be electives for an engineering student who didn’t take very many of them.

What are the different types of college classes?

Quick Guide: Types of College Courses

  • Lecture. This is a large class held in a lecture hall, a theater-like room that may seat hundreds of students.
  • Discussion. Discussion classes (sometimes called sections) are often a required part of lecture classes.
  • Seminar.
  • Laboratory.
  • Studio.
  • Independent Study.

When should you do a sub-internship?

While most schools expect students to do a sub-I during fourth year, recommendations regarding away rotations vary.

What is a Sub I residency?

What’s the difference between electives and required classes?

The required courses focus on progression in core subject areas, while electives give you a choice as to how you will fulfill your individual graduation requirements. Your required classes will focus on progression through four main subject areas: math, science, history, and English.

What makes an elective a free elective in college?

4. Free electives are the most flexible. Free electives are courses that typically fall outside of your required courses and area of study, or are not needed under any other section of your academic evaluation. Any credits that are not required for your degree program will apply as free electives.

What’s the difference between a clerkship and a sub-I?

I don’t think anyone actually cares, but my understanding is that a clerkship is a rotation like any other while a sub-i is one where you are expected to act as an intern (or as close as you can get) vs “just” a medical student. Clerkships are usually for people not going into EM and as a result your hours and expectations are typically lower.

What can I do with area of study electives?

Consider area of study electives that focus on a specific discipline. Area of study electives can help you develop a deeper understanding of a specific subject area within your degree discipline. Here, you can choose electives that are relevant to your personal and professional goals.