What is US 2 letter country code?

Country Code US Country code according to ISO-3166 Alpha-2 US is the two-letter country abbreviation for United States.

Which country name is short?

List of countries and codes

Short name Official name ISO3
Albania the Republic of Albania ALB
Algeria the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria DZA
Andorra the Principality of Andorra AND
Angola the Republic of Angola AGO

Which country is RO?


ISO 3166-1 numeric 642 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ROU ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 RO
E.212 mobile country code(s) 226 NATO Three-letter code ROU NATO Two-letter code (obsolete) RO
ITU Maritime ID(s) 264 ITU letter code(s) ROU FIPS country code(s) RO
GS1 GTIN prefix(es) 594 UNDP country code ROM WMO country code(s) RO

Are there 249 countries?

Currently 249 countries, territories, or areas of geographical interest are assigned official codes in ISO 3166-1.

What is foreign country name?

More In Tax Pros

Country Name Country Code
Austria AU
Azerbaijan AJ
Bahamas BF
Bahrain BA

Which country is MLT?


ISO 3166-1 numeric 470 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 MLT
E.164 code(s) +356 IOC country code MLT
E.212 mobile country code(s) 278 NATO Three-letter code MLT
ITU Maritime ID(s) 215, 248, 249, 256 ITU letter code(s) MLT
GS1 GTIN prefix(es) 535 UNDP country code MAT

What is a two letter country code?

Two-letter country codes are used to represent countries and states (often both widely recognized and not) as a code of two letters. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 is the main set of two-letter country codes that is currently used. International vehicle registration codes are either two or three letters.

What is the 2 letter country code for China?

The 2-letter abbreviation as issued by the ISO (International Orginization for Standardization) for China is CN. The 3-letter abbreviation – issued and used by the UN (United Nations) – for China is CN. Also used by the UN are numerical codes; for China, the code is 156.

What is the 2 letter country code for Germany?

The two-letter country abbreviation for Germany is DE, the three-letter code is DEU.

What is the two letter country code for Belgium?

The two-letter country abbreviation for Belgium is BE, the three-letter code is BEL.