What was Lorong Halus Wetland known for?

Before Lorong Halus Wetland was built in 2011, this area was known for its sewage disposal centre and landfill facilities. In 1941, the Municipal Commission completed the Serangoon Sludge Disposal Works as part of a sewerage scheme that served the northern and eastern areas of Singapore.

How big is Lorong Halus Wetland?

18 football fields
The present-day Lorong Halus Wetland occupies a smaller area – only the size of 18 football fields. It serves as a unique water bio-treatment system which incorporates plants into the treatment process.

How long is Lorong Halus bridge?

Length of the bridge? Rough estimation put at between 150-200 meters.

How big is Pasir Ris Park?

Pasir Ris Park covers an area of 70 hectares (170 acres), and is around 3.2 kilometres (2.0 mi) long.

How do I get to Coney Island?

How to get there: From Punggol interchange, take bus 84 to Punggol Point Park/Punggol Settlement. Walk about 500m east along the Punggol Promenade Nature Walk to get to Coney Island Park West Entrance. Accessibility: Barrier Free Access and Wheelchair accessible at the East and West ends.

Is there toilet at Coney Island?

The main toilet on Coney Island Park is found at the western end of the island, 100 metres from the West entrance. It is run by solar power and rainwater is used for flushing and hand-washing. The other toilets are potable toilets found nearer the Eastern end, near Beach Area E.

Is Coney Island Open during Covid?

After an 18-month closure due to the coronavirus pandemic, Coney Island amusement parks — including the iconic Luna Park and Deno’s Wonder Wheel Amusement Park — will be welcoming back guests starting Friday, April 9.

Is smoking in balcony illegal?

Hi, as per law people will not allow to smoke in public place, though he uses balcony for smoking place but it will cause nuisance to you so you can lodge a police complaint against him. Smoking in pubic place is prohibited but smoking in private place is not prohibited.

Is Punggol a reclaim land?

Under the Punggol 21 scheme, the old village of Punggol was transformed into a waterfront town with housing along the river and coastal area. A total of 155 ha of land was reclaimed along the coastline between 1997 and 2001 for development according to the Punggol 21 vision.

How big was the landfill at Lorong Halus?

From 1970 to 1999, the area was also used as a garbage landfill. The landfill covered an area the size of more than 100 football fields. The present-day Lorong Halus Wetland occupies a smaller area – only the size of 18 football fields. It serves as a unique water bio-treatment system which incorporates plants into the treatment process.

What is the biodiversity of the Lorong Halus area?

The Lorong Halus area is a discontinued solid waste landfill site that has regenerated into a habitat rich in aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. Lorong Halus also has several water bodies, namely the Halus Pond and Sungei Belukar, a natural stream that flows into Serangoon Reservoir.

How does the polishing pond at Lorong Halus wetland work?

Polishing Pond at Lorong Halus Wetland This process makes use of plants to treat the leachate in a natural way and helps protect the water quality of the Serangoon Reservoir. Visiting Lorong Halus Wetland Visitors to Lorong Halus Wetland can take a walk along the Reed Beds and Polishing Pools, distinctive features of this wetland.

When did the Lorong Halus sludge works close?

In 1941, the Sludge Works was set up in the vicinity of Lorong Halus. This was the treatment facility where night soil (a polite term for human waste in a bucket) was processed. It was also the last waste disposal station for the system and only closed in 1987. From 1970 to 1999, the area was also used as a garbage landfill.