What size should an open graph image be?

1200 pixels x 627 pixels
The most frequently recommended resolution for an OG image is 1200 pixels x 627 pixels (1.91/1 ratio). At this size, your thumbnail will be big and stand out from the crowd. Just don’t exceed the 5MB size limit.

Do you need OG image width?

og:image should be at least 200px in both dimensions, with 1500×1500 preferred. (Maximum image size is 5MB.)

How do you change the image on Open Graph?

You can update any post yourself manually by following these steps:

  1. Paste your URL into the Sharing Debugger tool.
  2. Click “Debug”.
  3. You’ll get a detailed list of information about the post.
  4. Insert your link into Debugger once again and reload Facebook OG data.
  5. Insert the link again in the post you want to update.

What is a open graph image?

An open graph image or OG image is the image that appears when you post website or video content to your social accounts. It is part of an important group of meta tags that influence the performance of your content link on social media like Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter.

How do I make an image OG?

To add the OG image, scroll to the bottom to find the Upload button. Click it to add an image at a recommended size of 1200 pixels by 630 pixels. You’ll need to save (Update) the post or page for the changes to take effect.

What is OG image alt?

og:image:height – The number of pixels high. og:image:alt – A description of what is in the image (not a caption).

Can OG image be PNG?

The OG Meta Tag You can use any standard image format, such as jpg or png.

What is a meta image?

Image metadata is text information pertaining to an image file that is embedded into the file or contained in a separate file that is associated with it. Image metadata includes details relevant to the image itself as well as information about its production. Metadata can also be added directly on some digital cameras.

What is Open Graph in HTML?

Open Graph is a technology first introduced by Facebook in 2010 that allows integration between Facebook and its user data and a website. By integrating Open Graph meta tags into your page’s content, you can identify which elements of your page you want to show when someone share’s your page.

How big of an image do you need for Open Graph?

The minimum requirement is 200 by 200 pixels. The landscape rectangle (1200 x 630 pixels) looks fantastic on Facebook shares, justifiably because the Open Graph system is developed by Facebook. LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter will also recognise an OG image when a page is shared. Be aware of size complications on Twitter.

Do you have to make your Facebook open graph image bigger?

So, YES, you have to convert your open graph images to at least 200×200 pixels, and it seems that the larger, the better. If your image is smaller than 200×200, Facebook will try to use a larger image (if) available on the page. This should be the accepted answer, +1 and thanks for updating.

What’s the average size of an OG image?

57% of websites use og:image Image width ranges from 291 to 1484 (average: 871) Image height ranges from 167 to 1200 (average: 564) 53% with og:image set a landscape image 56% set a ratio of 1.9:1 (80% exactly 1200 x 630) 41% set a width of exactly 1200

What is the meta property for Open Graph?

If you have coded your website in HTML, use the Open Graph tags before the final tag in the files. The meta property for an Open Graph image is: The width and the height should also be included so Facebook can render the image quickly. Notice in the code above, the OG title and description that will appear on the Facebook post.