When filing alphabetically Do you use the?

Use the “nothing before something” rule. File all articles beginning with that letter of the alphabet behind or after the letter itself, since there is nothing after just one letter of the alphabet. Always start filing from the front, i.e. the first page in a binder or the closest to you in a filing cabinet.

How do you alphabetize a name starting with St?

It’s an abbreviation of Saint, so you must alphabetize it as if it was fully written out. So, if you see a name like Andrew St. Croix and another name like Diana Saint James, Mr. St.

How do you alphabetize words that start with the same?

If the First Letters Are the Same If two or more words begin with the same letter, tell students to look at the second letter. Ask them: Which of the second letters comes first in the alphabet? If the first and second letters are the same, go to your third letter.

How do you alphabetize O names?

How do I alphabetize names that begin with O, such as O’Donnell or O’Leary? Prefixes should NOT be considered a separate word or name. The “O” is combined with the following name and together considered as one unit. You should ignore the punctuation.

When alphabetizing Where do MC names go?

The conventional way to alphabetize names that start with these prefixes is to treat Mac and Mc the same. Names that start with Mc are treated as though they were spelled Mac. In effect, “Mc” has an invisible “a” between the “M” and “c”.

How do you alphabetize names in a title?

In APA Style, alphabetization is easy as long as you remember these simple rules:

  1. Alphabetize letter by letter.
  2. Ignore spaces, capitalization, hyphens, apostrophes, periods, and accent marks.
  3. When alphabetizing titles or group names as authors, go by the first significant word (disregard a, an, the, etc.)

Does Mc and Mac come before M?

In addition to sorting them under “Mac” and “Mc” respectively or choosing to sort them both under “Mac”, it is known for Mc/Mac names to be placed in separate position before M. Sorting both under “Mc” is generally avoided as it can cause issues with names that do not contain the prefix (such as Macclesfield or Macey).

What is the correct way to alphabetize?

alphabetize names by comparing the first unit letter by letter. If the first letters are the same, file in terms of the second letter, and so on. Names of individuals are filed as follows: last name, first name or initial, middle name or initial.

How can automatically alphabetize a list?

Choose the type of list you have: a new line for each list item, a comma in between each list item or a space between each list item. Input your list into the text area. Choose the appropriate button on the left side for the type of alphabetizing function you want to have performed on your list.

Which word comes first in alphabetical order?

If one word has no more letters to compare while the other does, then the first (shorter) word comes first in alphabetical order. 1. but. 2. butter. 3. butterfly. Names are often written with the last names first.

How do you alphabetize person with two last names?

Organize the names of individuals by last name followed by first name and then middle initial or name. If you’re alphabetizing books or documents, it’s easier to organize and search using the author’s last name. Treat hyphenated names and titles as one word. Spell out numbers in titles to alphabetize them.

How do you put words in alphabetical order?

To put words in alphabetical order in Microsoft Word, highlight the text, click on the “Sort” icon, and choose whether to organize the text alphabetically, numerically or chronologically.