Is Verbenaceae and lamiaceae same?

The two core families of Lamiales are Lamiaceae, or the mint family, and Verbenaceae, or the verbena family. Together they account for about 270 genera and more than 8,300 species. The style arises either deeply from within a central depression (Lamiaceae) or from the top of the ovary (Verbenaceae).

What is the common name of the Verbenaceae?

Verbenaceae, the verbena (also known as vervain) family, contains 31 genera and nearly…

Which of the following is a characteristic feature of plants belonging to Verbenaceae?

The Verbenaceae are distinctive in being trees, shrubs, lianas, or herbs with 4-sided stems, the leaves opposite, simple, exstipulate, usually serrate, flowers 4–5-merous, mostly zy-gomorphic, with a 2-carpellate gynoecium having a terminal style, the fruit a schizocarp of 1-seeded mericarps or a drupe of pyrenes.

Is Lavender related to sage?

The Lamiaceae, or mint family, is the seventh largest among flowering plant families and encompasses about 7,000 species. In addition to lavender and the mints, the group includes most of the culinary herbs like basil, oregano, sage, thyme and rosemary, as well as plants as diverse as timber trees such as teak.

Which oil drug belongs to family labiatae?

Biological source: The oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fresh flowering tops of the plants known as Mentha piperita Linn. Family: Labiatae. Geographical sources: Mentha species are cultivated in various parts of the world….Varieties of Tulsi.

Krishna Tulsi (O. sanctum)
Vana Tulsi (O. gratissimum)

What is verveine good for?

Vervain is a popular remedy due to its multiple plant-beneficial compounds. Some of its benefits include antitumor effects, nerve cell protection, anxiety- and convulsion-reducing properties, and antimicrobial activity.

What plants are in the mint family?
