What is a spooney?

1 : silly, foolish especially : unduly sentimental. 2 : being sentimentally in love.

Is Snoopy a word?

adjective, snoop·i·er, snoop·i·est. Informal. characterized by meddlesome curiosity; prying.

What is the definition of moony?

1 : of or relating to the moon. 2a : crescent-shaped. b : resembling the full moon : round.

What does it mean when girls spoon?

Spooning is a form of cuddling where two people lie facing the same direction, and one person’s back presses against the other person’s torso and chest. The position looks similar to the spoons stacked together in your utensil drawer.

What does all out of spoons mean?

A person who runs out of spoons has no choice but to rest until their spoons are replenished. This is not to say that rest is certain to give a person more spoons.

What does Snoopy mean in slang?

: given to snooping especially for personal information about others.

Who is a snoopy person?

1. snoopy – offensively curious or inquisitive; “curious about the neighbor’s doings”; “he flipped through my letters in his nosy way”; “prying eyes”; “the snoopy neighbor watched us all day” nosey, nosy, prying.

What expressiveness means?

Meaning of expressiveness in English the state of showing what someone thinks or feels: The expressiveness of his eyes is remarkable. Her voice is remarkable for its purity and emotional expressiveness. See. expressive.

What is a moony girl?

Moony oftentimes comes off as a dramatic, comedically driven, and overall a highly opinionated individual. She has the tendency to get frequently annoyed or irritable during certain situations, with her distain usually directed towards Ena.

Which is the best definition of the word Spoony?

Definition of spoony 1 : silly, foolish especially : unduly sentimental 2 : being sentimentally in love Synonyms & Antonyms Did you know?

What does a Spoonie mean in medical terms?

The term, spoonie, reminds us that we are not alone in our struggle. Our limitations are universal. Validation of our normalcy through the confirmation that we have a shared story finally quiets the nag in my mind. Spoonie has taken on a life of its own, among patients with chronic illnesses.

What does the term spoon mean in British slang?

In 19th-century British slang, spoon meant “simpleton (a meaning that may have been influenced by the “shallowness” of some spoons).

What happens when you run out of spoons?

When you run out of spoons, you can choose to borrow against the spoons of a future date, but there are consequences. When you deplete your spoons, you are bedridden. Unable to manage the simple activities of life. Spoon Theory speaks so uniformly across the spectrum of illnesses that anyone with a long-term disease can relate.