What city should Aries live in?

1. Aries – New York, New York. New York is known to be the ‘City that never sleeps’ and so are you! Fiery, energetic, driven, and competitive are all of your most prominent qualities which makes New York the perfect place for your zodiac.

Who is a good match for Aries?

The signs most compatible with Aries are fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, as well as air signs Gemini and Aquarius.

Who is a Aries most likely to marry?

“If your zodiac sign is Aries, then you are most compatible with Leo,” Amy Tripp, MS, LMSW, a professional astrologer and licensed therapist tells Byrdie. “As a fixed sign, Leo has incredible staying power and endurance to balance out Aries’ tendency to lose interest.

Which countries are Aries?

ARIES. Countries that are ruled by Aries include(d) Palestine, England, Hong Kong (pictured), Germany, Poland, Syria, Israel, Lithuania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe. Cities that are ruled by Aries include Birmingham, Cape Town, Leicester, Florence, Krakow, Naples, Utrecht, Marseilles, and Georgia.

Where should air signs live?

Air sign people (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) thrive in cultural meccas or in places with blue-sky panoramic views. Airy folk are drawn to lively crossroads and hubs, where great ideas are hatched and refined.

What zodiac is Japan?

The Japanese 12 zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar. Japan’s zodiac signs were directly derived from China’s.

What element is Aries?

The Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius The consequences of fire — a substance that can giveth life and taketh away — are obvious and overt. Fire can heat your home and completely destroy it, create light in the dark and totally raze a city. Fire signs tend to be obvious and overt in human beings, too.