How do you get past Norfair in Super Metroid?

Enter the room where you will see a Chozo statue at the other side of a wall, jump and shoot the top of the wall to make a gap and use the Morph Ball ability to get through. Shoot the sphere to get the High Jump Boots. Exit the way you came in.

How do I progress in Norfair?

To progress, take the left door in the ground. Then, fall all the way down the shaft on the right side. Next, open up the red door and step inside. Missile Tank on the right.

Where is Norfair on map in Super Metroid?

Super Metroid manual “Norfair is deep below the surface of Zebes.

How do you get the reserve tank in Norfair?

Where To Find The Reserve Tank In Norfair. This Reserve Tank is found fairly close to the entrance to Norfair. As soon as you enter the main shaft of the area, enter the first door on the right. Proceed through both of these large heated rooms into a long hall with rising lava.

How do I get back to Brinstar for Norfair?

Shoot the sphere and approach to gain the Power Bomb. Use a power bomb next to the Chozo statue, which will cause the back wall to disappear. Head left and collect the missile canister. Now return the way you came and head back to Norfair.

How long is Super Metroid?


Single-Player Polled Average
Main Story 467 7h 35m
Main + Extras 563 8h 49m
Completionists 139 9h 09m
All PlayStyles 1.2K 8h 22m

What does the Varia suit do in Super Metroid?

The Varia Suit reduces damage to Samus’s suit by 40% and protects her from intense heat and cold. This makes it possible for Samus to absorb the Blue X Parasites that would have otherwise damaged her and prevents Samus from being frozen by the Ice Beam of the SA-X.

How do I get from Norfair to Brinstar?

As you explore Norfair, you’ll discover the High Jump Boots, the Wave Beam and the amazing Screw Attack. You’ll find the elevator to Norfair in the lower-right section of Brinstar. Jump onto the elevator, press Down and descend.”

Is Ridley a girl?

Ridley (Metroid)

Designed by Hiroji Kiyotake
In-universe information
Gender Male
Title Cunning God of Death

How do I get lower Norfair without a gravity suit?

Without Gravity Suit, you will need to do wall jumps to reach Lower Norfair. This technique is described in the route for Any% GT Code, though it is also used for GT Classic and RBO.

Where is the Save Room in Norfair Super Metroid?

Drop down from the elevator and make your way to the very bottom. There will be a red hatch to your left and a blue hatch to your right enter the blue hatch, within is a Save Room. Save your data and exit through the hatch you entred through. Go through the red hatch opposite and pick up the Energy Tank.

How to shoot the eye in Norfair Super Metroid?

Head back down to the room, and proceed onwards. Jump over the spikes and use the metal platforms to stand on. At the end of this room is an eye-like enemy blocking access to a hatch. Wait until the enemy opens its eye and then shoot with a missile.

Where to find cracked block in Norfair Super Metroid?

Head back up to the elevator and then head back to the room with the claw-like enemies in the water. Head to the far side of this room until you come to a blue hatch– DO NOT ENTER THE BLUE HATCH. Instead look above the blue hatch where you will see a cracked block. Shoot the cracked block and jump up into the concealed area.

Where is the Blue hatch in Norfair Super Metroid?

To the top right there is an opening in the form of a monsters head, Its mouth leads to a passage, enter the passage and follow until you reach a blue hatch. Enter the blue hatch in to a green room, shoot the ground to make a passage and drop down.