How much does a knee arthroscopy cost in the UK?

Knee arthroscopy guide price

Patient Pathway Hospital fees Consultant fees
Main Treatment £3,000 Included
Post-Discharge Care Included 1 Follow up consultation plus up to 4 private physiotherapy sessions
Sub Totals £3,350 £190
Total Guide Price £3,540

How long does keyhole knee surgery take?

An arthroscopy usually takes 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the type of procedure carried out. You’ll be able to go home on the same day as the surgery or the following morning.

Can you have keyhole surgery for knee replacement?

What is knee keyhole surgery? Keyhole surgery, or arthroscopy, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that enables the surgeon to examine inside of the knee. It is usually performed through two very small puncture holes either side of the knee-cap tendon.

Can I walk after keyhole surgery on knee?

In most cases, you won’t need crutches after surgery and you should be able to walk without help. You won’t need to have a knee brace and you’ll be encouraged to move your knee fully as soon as possible afterwards.

How much does a meniscus tear surgery cost UK?

In the UK, the price of meniscal repair with a private care provider begins around £4000.

Does keyhole surgery hurt?

Laparoscopy is carried out under general anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

How much does it cost the NHS to do a knee replacement?

Private knee replacement surgery in the UK usually oscillates around £11,400, however, it may go up to as much as £15,400. The most common quote is £12,500 and includes about 3-4 days in the hospital. This price does not cover the post-operational physiotherapy program.