What is Mixedwood Plains climate?

The climate of the Mixedwood Plains produces relatively warm summers and cool winters moderated by surrounding water bodies. Mean daily January temperatures range from -3°C to -12°C, whereas mean daily July temperatures are 18°C to 22°C.

Where is Mixedwood Plains?

The Mixedwood Plains Ecozone is the Canadian ecozone with the most southern extent, covering all of southwestern Ontario, and parts of central and northeastern Ontario and southern Quebec along the Saint Lawrence River.

What is the area of the Mixedwood Plains ecozone?

64,944 mi²
Mixedwood Plains Ecozone/Area

What is the vegetation in Mixedwood Plains?

Tulip-tree, Blue Ash, Red Mulberry, and Kentucky Coffee-tree are confined largely to the warmest portions of the ecozone. These unique deciduous forests are intermixed with Black Walnut, Sycamore, and the more common Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest species. Very little of the original forest remains today.

What is the population of the Mixedwood Plains?


Area Population
Change 1981 to 2006
Atlantic Maritime 192,017 125,354
Mixed Wood Plains 107,017 4,423,691
Boreal Plains 668,664 138,242

What is the GDP of the Mixedwood Plains?

$325 billion
In 2004, the Mixedwood Plains had a population of 15.6 million, as well as a GDP of $325 billion. It’s most valuable industries are agriculture and food, service, tourism and recreation, as well as service and manufacturing.

What animals live in the Mixedwood Plains?

Characteristic mammals include White-tailed Deer, Black Bear, eastern Cottontail, and Grey and Black Squirrels. Foxes and wolves make appearances outside urban settings, while coastal wetlands and tributaries provide crucial habitat for beaver and muskrat.

What are human activities are in Mixedwood Plains?

Human Activities

  • Cityscape.
  • Power Station.
  • Tourism.
  • Shipping.
  • Forestry.
  • Farming.
  • Transportation.
  • Orchard.

How many people live in the Mixedwood Plains?

12 million people
More than 93 percent of the province’s 12 million people live in the Mixedwood Plains.

How big is the Mixedwood Plains?

Where are the Mixedwood Plains located in Canada?

The Mixedwood Plains extends along the Quebec City-Windsor corridor, including the densely-populated region of southern Ontario. Climate Smallest of the ecozones, the Mixedwood Plains is nonetheless home to half of Canada’s population.

How is the weather in the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone?

Its cool winters (average temperature -5ºC) and warm summers (average temperature 17ºC) are prone to highly changeable weather, as the ecozone is in one of the major storm tracks of North America. Geology and Geography Plains and gently rolling hills are found here.

What kind of trees are in Mixedwood Plains?

A mix of coniferous and deciduous trees are found here. Some of the coniferous trees include white pine, red pine, eastern hemlock, black spruce, eastern red cedar, and eastern white cedar.

What kind of soil are the Interior Plains made of?

Interior Plains. About 500 million years ago, shallow seas covered the Interior Plains. Rivers flowing into these waters deposited sediments, which were transformed into layer upon layer of sedimentary rock. In the southern part of the Interior Plains lie grasslands. The sedimentary materials here provide fertile soils for the patchwork…