What time is 13 48 in military?

Military Time 1348 is: 01:48 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 13:48 using 24-hour clock notation.

What time is 13 56 in military?

Military Time 1356 is: 01:56 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 13:56 using 24-hour clock notation.

What time is 12 58 pm in military time?

Military Time 1258 is: 12:58 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 12:58 using 24-hour clock notation.

What time is 14 58 in military?

Military Time 1458 is: 02:58 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 14:58 using 24-hour clock notation.

What time is 1730 in military time?

military time conversion table – how to tell military time

Standard Time Military Time Pronunciation
5:30 PM 1730 Seventeen Thirty Hours
6:00 PM 1800 Eighteen Hundred Hours
6:30 PM 1830 Eighteen Thirty Hours
7:00 PM 1900 Nineteen Hundred Hours

What is 6 o’clock pm in military time?

Military Time Conversion Chart

Military Time Standard Time
Military Time Standard Time
1700 5:00 PM
1800 6:00 PM
1900 7:00 PM

What time is 1745 in military time?

Military Time 1745 is: 05:45 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 17:45 using 24-hour clock notation.

Time Zone Name Letter 12-hour clock
Uniform Time Zone U 09:45 A.M.
Tango Time Zone T 10:45 A.M.
Sierra Time Zone S 11:45 A.M.
Romeo Time Zone R 12:45 P.M.

What time Is Midnight in military?

Military time is a concise method of expressing time that is used by the military as well as emergency services such as law enforcement, firefighting and emergency medical personnel as well as hospitals. Military time operates on a 24- hour clock that begins at midnight which is referred to as 0000 hours, with 1:00 a.m.

What time is 13 in military time?

Military Time 1313 is: 01:13 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 13:13 using 24-hour clock notation. 1313 is pronounced as: “thirteen thirteen hours” or “thirteen thirteen hours” or “one-three-one-three hours” or “one-three-one-three hours”.

How many hours in military time?

Military time goes by a 24 hour clock. In other words, the military clock runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours.