What is the standard size of a newsletter?

Newsletters can also be printed and distributed in person; print newsletters are typically 8.5 x 11 inches for a single page or 11 x 17 inches for a spread. Although these are common sizes, you don’t always need to stick to these dimensions.

How many pixels wide should an email newsletter be?

600 pixels
This is the standard width which has been recommended during the last years. Things haven’t changed: 600 pixels is still the golden rule. This is the average width desktop email clients use to show your email messages.

What size should email Graphics be?

600px to 650px
Dimensions: 600px to 650px is still the best image size for email. The most popular screen resolution worldwide—across both mobile and all platforms—is 360×640. Roughly 34% of mobile users and 19% of all platforms use this resolution.

What size should email headers be?

For an email banner width, the ideal size is 600-700px on desktop, and 320-385px on mobile. For email banner height, you should keep the image under 1728px, but be aware that the section of your email that displays without scrolling ‘above the fold’ is approx 300-500px.

What is newsletter PDF?

A PDF newsletter looks and prints out like a traditional, printed newsletter. The strength of a PDF newsletter is that – although it is an electronic format — it can be designed to look exactly like a traditional printed newsletter, both on screen and when printed.

What is the best size for email signature?

300 to 400 pixels wide
Email signature dimensions The ideal email signature image size should be 300 to 400 pixels wide and 70 to 100 pixels high. If the image is a banner, we recommend a maximum height of 100 pixels. The image should also be optimized for a web resolution of 72dpi so it displays correctly.

How do I make newsletters engage?

7 Tips for Creating More Engaging Newsletters

  1. Choose your focus.
  2. Keep it simple, keep it catchy.
  3. Include third party content for more engaging newsletters.
  4. Include user-generated content.
  5. Connect to trending topics or events.
  6. Use social media as a teaser.
  7. Be consistent but provide something unique.