What should I name my fitness group?

62 Creative Fitness Class Name Ideas

  • Sweat.
  • Power Hour.
  • Curls n’ Crunches.
  • Fab & Fit & Fun.
  • Abs Fab / Fab Abs.
  • Walk this Weigh.
  • Wishful Shrinking.
  • Move it, Shake it, Lift it.

What does WOD CrossFit mean?

Workout of the Day
WOD: Workout of the Day. EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute. AMRAP: As Many Reps as Possible. Box: A CrossFit gym with the bare necessities to perform all the WODs. Ladder: A series of exercises where you increase the number of reps by 1 each time they are performed.

What is as in CrossFit?

AMRAP: As Many Reps (sometimes Rounds)as Possible. ATG: Ass to Grass.

What does Hiit stand for?

High Intensity Interval Training
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is essentially a type of exercise, be it cardio or resistance training. HIIT. alternates between periods of high intensity, and low intensity (or recovery.

How do you name your workout?

For me, naming workouts is easy….Do:

  1. Be descriptive.
  2. Be concise.
  3. Be memorable.
  4. “AMRAP 10: Deadlifts & Burpees”
  5. “5 Rnds: Snatch, Run, & Pull-ups”
  6. “Chipper: Row, Cleans, Push-ups, more…”
  7. “Sam’s 30th Birthday Chipper”

What does jerk mean in CrossFit?

Lifting movement of moving weight to rack position (clean) and then moving weight above head (jerk).

What does DT stand for in CrossFit?

DT consists of all barbell movements – deadlifts, hang cleans and shoulder to overhead – with a 155/100# barbell.

What does EMOM stand for?

every minute on the minute
An acronym for “every minute on the minute,” EMOM workouts challenge you to complete an exercise for a certain number of reps in less than 60 seconds. The remaining time within the minute serves as your recovery.

What does Amrap mean in fitness?

as many rounds as possible
The AMRAP Explained—Plus 5 Reasons Why You’ll Love It. AMRAP stands for “as many rounds as possible” or “as many reps as possible,” depending on what you’re doing in the particular workout. It means you go through as many rounds of a given workout sequence or circuit as possible in a set amount of time.

Do workouts spell your name?

It’s pretty straight forward. Basically, spell your name and do each thing on the list for each letter of your name. So, I would do T= 10 Push ups, A=50 Jumping jacks, Y= 15 Crunches, L= 20 Crunches (my abs are sore already) O=10 Tricep dips and R= 20 Mountain climbers.

What are some good fitness names?

Here are some of the best names we thought of for your fitness company-. Fitness Factory. Fitness Lover. Bolt Fitness. Fitness Authority. Fit Fataang. Bodeaz Fitness. Dare2Fit.

What are good names for fitness teams?

Tons of fun

  • Fatloo
  • Fat fury
  • Why So Serious?
  • Jiggle Giggle
  • Dirty Deadlifters.
  • Cut the Caboose
  • Net Weight
  • Weight zero
  • No GiveUp
  • What are some cool group names?

    Some Way Cool Team Names. The Waiver Wire. Rockstar Lifestyle. That Better Team. Recreational Hazard. Don’t Stop Ballieving. Vandelay Industries.