Why did the US invade Vietnam?

The U.S. entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism, but foreign policy, economic interests, national fears, and geopolitical strategies also played major roles. Learn why a country that had been barely known to most Americans came to define an era.

Who fought the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War pitted communist North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against South Vietnam and the United States. The war ended when U.S. forces withdrew in 1973 and Vietnam unified under Communist control two years later.

WHO declared the start of the Vietnam War?

In March 1965, Johnson made the decision—with solid support from the American public—to send U.S. combat forces into battle in Vietnam. By June, 82,000 combat troops were stationed in Vietnam, and military leaders were calling for 175,000 more by the end of 1965 to shore up the struggling South Vietnamese army.

Is Vietnam now united?

Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, has one of south-east Asia’s fastest-growing economies and has set its sights on becoming a developed nation by 2020. It became a unified country once more in 1975 when the armed forces of the Communist north seized the south.

Is Vietnam still divided today?

What was the original purpose of the Vietnam War?

America sent money to France, but once France got defeated they sent money to help South Vietnam. Overall, the purpose of the war was for North Vietnam to conquer and spread communism through out different countries but countries that did not agree fought against them.

What was the reason for the Vietnam War?

American Soldier in the Vietnam War. The main reason the United States got involved in Vietnam was the purpose of doing everything possible to keep communism from spreading around world.

What countries fought the Vietnam War?

The War was mainly fought in South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia , and Laos. The countries involved in Vietnam were Republic of Vietnam, United States, Republic of Korea, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Thailand, Khmer Republic , and Kingdom of Laos .

Did Americans support Vietnam?

The American public did support the effort in Vietnam until the Tet Offensive of 1968. Then public support started to erode as people perceived that the communists were not finished and that the war would drag on for years.