How much does a T-51 cost?

When equipped with the Rotax 912S engine, controllable propeller, and a full compliment of necessary flight instruments; we expect the finished T-51 could cost under US$90,000.00. This is a very customisable aircraft that can be tailored to suit a variety of options.

Was the P-51 any good?

The P-51 dominated air combat in Europe, destroying nearly 5,000 enemy aircraft. It was also a very capable fighter-bomber and could carry 1,000 pounds of bombs and rockets.

Can you build a P-51 Mustang?

The T-51 Mustang is a two-seat, dual control, tandem seat aircraft. It can be built as an N-numbered amateur built experimental aircraft or as a Light Sport Aircraft. This P-51D replica incorporates material and systems not commonly found in comparably priced aircraft.

What company built the P-51 Mustang?

North American Aviation
P-51, also called Mustang, a single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft originally designed and produced by North American Aviation for the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and later adopted by the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF).

How much would it cost to build a P-51 Mustang?

A P-51 cost $51,000 in 1945, or about $675,000 today. The Enforcer would probably have cost around a million dollars. The A-10 Warthog cost almost $19 million apiece. Read the original article.

How much does it cost to build a P-51 Mustang?

The P-51 cost approximately $50,000.00 to produce in 1944. The Mustang was the first single-engine fighter based in Britain with the range to escort and protect the bombers all the way to Nazi, Germany and home again. The bomber crews called them their “Little Friends.”

Is the Titan t-51d a good taildragger?

As taildraggers go, the T-51D Mustang is tame and stable on roll-out and taxi off the runway. Climbing out of the aircraft, I realize that my cheeks hurt from smiling. I’ve flown over 40 different aircraft types, but the T-51D made it to the top of my list after only one flight.

What makes a Titan 51 look like a P-51?

Unlike some of the earlier T-51s with smaller, narrow-chord blades, the new propeller really adds to making the airplane look like a P-51. Rudder trim is a bigger issue on the 1490-horsepower P-51, but it is a nice feature on the Titan Mustang.

What’s the weight of a Titan t-51d Mustang?

The design works remarkably well. The T-51D is rated at a +6g /-4g load limit capability at a gross weight of 1,850 lbs. As we put the Mustang through its paces with a series of barrel rolls and wingovers, it’s easy to understand why I’ve never seen one flying straight and level for an extended period of time.

What kind of propellers did the Titan 51 use?

All the T-51 variants have one commonality, Whirl Wind propellers. The whole point of the T-51 was that it would look like a Mustang, and that means a four-blade prop. None were available, so Williams approached Jim Rust of Whirl Wind Propellers to build one. Rust was busy but agreed to take on the project.