Why is no comment a bad idea?

Short of cursing and admitting guilt or failing to show remorse, it is very likely the worst thing you can say. By saying “no comment,” you often imply guilt or culpability. Try to avoid phrases that sound like, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” from the “Wizard of Oz.”

How do you tell a reporter with no comment?

How To Say No Comment Without Saying No Comment

  1. “I don’t have anything to say about that.”
  2. “I can not comment on these matters because they are under seal.”
  3. “I … have nothing to add to my former answer.”

What does it mean when you say no comment?

No comment is a phrase used as a response to journalistic inquiries which the respondent does not wish to answer. No comment indicates that the speaker does not choose to say anything on the subject, and it is automatically invalidated if the speaker then comments or answers questions.

Why is no comment a strong answer to a journalists question?

It may imply guilt where there is none. It can sound blasé or incompetent. A narrative will take shape, with or without the newsmaker’s input, and by declining comment, the person at the center of the story may miss the opportunity to influence how the story is framed.

Why do police want to interview me?

What is a voluntary police interview? Sometimes the police want to speak to someone about a criminal allegation and decide that it is not necessary to arrest that person to interview them. Voluntary interviews can take place in relation to historical sexual abuse, rape or fraud allegations.

How do you say no in a cool way?

99 Ways to Say No

  1. Not now.
  2. Look! Squirrel!
  3. My word of the year is REST, so I can’t fit another thing in.
  4. Nope.
  5. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.
  6. Not this time.
  7. Heck no.
  8. No way, Jose. (Since my husband is named Jose, this is a favorite in our house.)

Should you always say no comment?

Make “NO COMMENT” to all questions. Everything you say can and will likely be used as evidence. If they interview you, give a “No Comment” interview, unless under explicit advice from a good solicitor to make a written statement. Don’t use the ‘duty solicitor’ (the one available at the police station).

How do you politely decline a reporter?

Here are some ideas on how to say “no thanks,” and maintain a good relationship with the reporter.

  1. Promptly return the call, even if it’s just to say you can’t do the interview.
  2. Say why you can’t do the interview.
  3. Be careful about what you say.
  4. Redirect them to another source.

How do you politely decline a comment?

Develop and practice a few different stock phrases that stand in for “no comment” such as: “I’m sorry, but that information is confidential/proprietary.” or I’m sorry, but I’m not able to answer that question at this time.” or “I’d like to help you but unfortunately I can’t.” Once you’ve answered, stand your ground.

What’s the difference between there are no comments and there is no comment?

There are 0.5 comments. There are no comments. If you think of comment in the case there is no comment as being short for commentary then you will find it easier to understand how it works and what it means. “There is no comments” is not correct in any situation where comments is the plural of comment.

Do you say there are no comments or there is no cow?

In the same way you don’t say there are no cow, you don’t say there is no comments. Highly active question. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question.

What’s the best way to say no comment?

The official declined to comment, the Times reported. This is a nice way of saying that the official replied, No comment. A better response: “I’ll check on that and will get back to you.” Then, always do. In addition, this is a good response to use when you are blindsided. “I’ll get back to you,” provides time to craft a reply.

Is it bad to say no comment to a reporter?

They will provide responses other than No comment. For many people, No comment is tantamount to admitting guilt and/or suggests that you’re hiding something. In most cases, saying No comment to a reporter’s question is a bad move. There are exceptions, though.