What did the Coastal Zone Management Act do?

This act, administered by NOAA, provides for the management of the nation’s coastal resources, including the Great Lakes. The goal is to “preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, to restore or enhance the resources of the nation’s coastal zone.”

What is a consistency determination?

A consistency determination is submitted when a federal agency activity affects the coastal zone. It is a project description and analysis of the activity’s coastal zone effects based on the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act.

What are the provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Act?

The CZMA requires that Federal actions that are reasonably likely to affect any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal zone be consistent with enforceable policies of a State’s federally-approved coastal management program.

What is the South Carolina Coastal Zone Management Act?

The chief purpose of South Carolina’s Coastal Management Act (§48-39-10 et seq. of the 1976 S.C. Code) is the proper management of the natural, recreational, commercial and industrial resources of the State’s coastal zone – resources of present and potential value to all citizens of the State.

Why is the coastal zone important?

A coastal zone is the interface between the land and water. These zones are important because a majority of the world’s population inhabit such zones. The energy reaching the coast can become high during storms, and such high energies make coastal zones areas of high vulnerability to natural hazards.

What do you understand by coastal zone and its management?

The Coastal Zone Management (CZM) is a process of governance that consists of the legal and institutional framework necessary to ensure that development and management plans for coastal zones are integrated with environmental and social goals, and are developed with the participation of those affected.

What is a Local Coastal Program?

The Local Coastal Program (LCP) is a planning document that identifies the location, type, densities, and other ground rules for future development in the coastal zone. These programs govern decisions that determine the short and long term conservation and use of coastal land, water, and other resources.

What statute enacted the coastal Act?

The Coastal Act. In October 1972, the United States Congress passed Title 16 U.S.C. 1451-1464, which established a federal coastal zone management policy and created a federal coastal zone.

What does the Coastal Management Act protects?

The ICM Act provides for the holistic management of the coast and estuarine areas as an integrated system, through participation by all stakeholders (public, NGOs, Local, Provincial and National government) to ensure the protection of the environment and it’s natural ecosystem functioning, while promoting sustainable …

How do humans impact coastal areas?

Human activities in coastal areas have affected many of the natural environmental processes there. This has led to a wide range of issues including a loss of biodiversity, high levels of pollution, erosion, and rising sea levels due to climate change. In fact, coasts are one of the Earth’s most threatened environments.